data collection

  1. poorguy

    Windows 10 Privacy Intrusion. Your Thoughts.

    thoughts about windows 10 privacy intrusion that one agrees to when one chooses to accept the windows 10 upgrade.
  2. News

    Privacy and Windows 10

    In today’s connected world, maintaining our privacy is an incredibly important topic to each of us, thus we welcome the questions and the feedback we’ve received since launching Windows 10. Trust is a core pillar of our More Personal Computing vision, and we know we have to earn it. We’ve taken...
  3. D

    Windows 7 How to disable/get rid of Application Experience & CEIP

    In the Control Panel Action Center I have Opted out of participating in the CEIP program (don't ever remember opting in). Here's what I see: Task scheduler Customer Experience Improvement Program (3 tasks) Consolidator (%SystemRoot%\System32\wsqmcons.exe) KernelCeipTask (Custom Handler)...
  4. News

    Samsung says its eavesdropping TV works like Siri

    In a new privacy statement, Samsung has clarified what voice data its eavesdropping TV actually collects from you. Continue reading...
  5. Gil80

    Windows 8 How to fix Event Viewer ID 2002, 1017 & 3007?

    ID 2002 IIS-W3SVC-PerfCounters Setting up Web Service counters failed, please make sure your Web Service counters are registered correctly. ID 1017 Perflib Disabled performance counter data collection from the "ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727" service because the performance counter library for that...
  6. News

    Handle leak when an application collects performance data in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows

  7. News

    Performance Monitor or a PDH function takes longer than expected to collect performance data on a co

    Fixes an issue in which it takes longer than expected to collect performance data when you use Performance Monitor or a PDH function. Additionally, CPU usage is higher than expected while Performance Monitor or the PDH function collects the data. More...
  8. R

    Windows 7 Backup User file and settings

    I have joined this forum in the hope i can get help and advise in deploying windows 7, I have been deploying windows 7 for the last 7 months as a contractor for two different clients. Both clients have had different ways of doing the deployment, however both have the same concerns about data and...
  9. E

    Windows 7 BSOD random intervals Windows 7 sony VAio

    Have been experiencing intermittant BSODs with my laptop running windows 7. They seem to come completely randomly and event viewer has not been able to give me any useful information. I have a VAIO NW Series Notebook PC Link Removed...
  10. J

    Windows 7 Task Scheduler - how to get it to work!

    How to use the Task Manager in Windows 7 Professional This is VERY troublesome. There are numerous comments and suggestions in various forums by frustrated users unable successfully to fight their way through the myriad of options that do not work seamlessly. What worked so easily under XP...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Major .Exe Issue

    WIN 7 (64 bit) Desktop. Recently I have had a poweroutage. This didn't cause any "major" problems. I had Firefox open (.exe) and another program (.exe) open. Both of these experienced issues. Firefox I wasn't too bothered about. The other .exe program I was. I solved the problem by using the...
  12. News

    [SDP 3][16b46435-0d2e-4b34-b78c-f638c78c8959] Internet Explorer Data Collector

    This article describes the information that may be collected from a computer when running Internet Explorer Diagnostics for Windows Client and Server. Link Removed
  13. News

    Performance Monitor data collector set does not collect all required performance counter data in Win

    Fixes an issue in which a data collector set in Performance Monitor does not collect all required performance counter data. This issue occurs in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2. More...
  14. News

    Windows 7 Visual Studio Toolbox: Reporting Performance Issues with PerfWatson

    Have you ever run into a scenario where a long running task causes the Visual Studio UI thread to hang or become unresponsive? The PerfWatson extension logs these issues and automatically and anonymously reports back to Microsoft. In this episode, we are joined by Cameron McColl, who explains...
  15. cybercore

    Yahoo plans to keep search records for 18 months

    Yahoo plans to extend the amount of time it retains records on what its users search for online, just two years after breaking from the other big Internet search engines and promising to delete such data promptly. The new policy brings the company in line with Google Inc., which dominates the...
  16. cybercore

    Weird and wacky: Inventors show off their devices

    French Jean Marc Batard presents his invention a vertical garden which allows elderly people to garden. It can also be used by people who love gardening but cannot bend down at the 39th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, in Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday, April...
  17. Celestra

    We Collected E-mails And Passwords (New Policy Changes From Google)

    Google Street View Cars Collected Emails and Passwords
  18. C

    Windows 7 Slow-loading file windows

    I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find the thread. I have directories on my computer that have thousands of files in them. In Windows 2000 (which I used until about a year ago), all directories loaded with lightening speed. But in Windows Vista and now Windows 7, I am...
  19. T

    You are being tracked

    Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009
  20. J

    Windows 7 Windows Media player Spyware

    Hi Guys Be careful in using W7 WMP. There's a little legal "nasty" in that it says " Usage will be sent to Microsoft" plus some discalimer saying that "Information is only collected for "Statistical Purposes". Whilst I don't believe in Microsoft "Conspoiracy" theories I just don't like the...