environment variables

  1. How to Set Up JAVA_HOME on Windows: Step-by-Step Guide

    Setting up your JAVA_HOME environment variable can feel like a rite of passage for anyone embarking on Java-based projects. Whether you're installing Maven, running Jenkins, or tinkering with Gradle or Tomcat, configuring JAVA_HOME ensures that your system knows where your Java Development Kit...
  2. Windows 10 Trouble opening bat files

    I have a couple of batch files that i run when i play a specific game. I used to be able to double click them to execute some commands. Now i am forced to right click and run as admin. The error I get when i double click is "Windows cannot find "path of bat". Make sure you typed the name...
  3. Windows 10 Can't double click to open .bat files

    I have a couple of batch files that i run when i play a specific game. I used to be able to double click them to execute some commands. Now i am forced to right click and run as admin. I feel like i've tried everything to fix this even gone as far as trying a new account. I know media creation...
  4. T

    Windows 10 Prgm crashes because of missing *.ocx and *.ocx.mui files in WinPE - Manual assignment possible?

    I used a utility for years without problems on Win7 and Win10. Recently I wanted to add it now to an USB flash drive which boots into a Windows 10 WinPE environment. Unfortunately the tool crashes with the popup notification: "The code execution cannot proceed because hhctrl.ocx was not...
  5. Z

    Startup group policy not working using %windir%

    Hello everyone, I am new to networking and spent the last few days setting up a Windows Server 2016 environment with a domain controller, dhcp server and file server using VirtualBox following tutorials and doing research. All is working well and now I am now trying to wrap my head around Group...
  6. Windows 10 Pulling hair out calling php file from batch file

    I'm having a hell of a time getting php to return a string. I don't know where they are going to install my batch file so I set the file location via %~dp0. there are 2 functions in my .php file, one to process color another to process Joomla's Version. The joomla one worked fine until I made...
  7. M

    Can I separate -each- users folder on distinct drives ?

    Hi, What I'm looking for is not to simply change the whole userdata to another drive, but to create separate drives for each users, and have their application data, my doc, etc folders on their own drives. Sadly, from looking at environment variables though I think it's not possible.. What do...
  8. Windows 10 Problem with Windows 10 Symbols in windbg?

    So I'm an avid Windows Debugger user, I'm on build 1151 (Version 10.0.10586, or as winver.exe likes to say 10586.14) I downloaded the Win 64 symbols from Microsoft, and set my _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable to the normal shtick "SRV*H:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols"...
  9. "NVM#: Effective Environment Variables Manager"

    Today's project isn't a Visual Studio Extension, isn't a language or service. But it's something that will help what ever Dev has to do one time or another, editing environment variables. We've had environment for forever, but the UI to edit them has not really advanced. You have to remember...
  10. Defrag Tools: #131 - Windows 10 SDK | Defrag Tools

    In this episode of Defrag Tools, Andrew Richards and Chad Beeder walk you through the download of the Windows 10 SDK and the latest Sysinternals tools. We harvest the Debugging Tools for Windows, Windows Performance Toolkit, and Application Verifier files from the SDK. Previous Versions: Link...
  11. Running Cocos2d-x on Windows 10

    With Microsoft’s latest open source code contribution to the Cocos2d-x project [https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/12107], Microsoft has enabled Cocos2d-x to run on Windows 10 on the Universal Windows Platform. The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) makes it possible to target all Windows...
  12. W

    Windows 7 Most applications are opening in Vim

    Starting this morning, my Windows 7 is opening most applications in Vim (Vim is my editor of choice). The following is an itemized list of this bizarre behavior. From Start menu, most applications display the Vim icon (screen shot below). From Start menu, most applications open in Vim...
  13. R

    Windows 8 Running executable files from the Windows explorer address bar without typing the extension

    I have a question about running "executable" programs in Windows without having to type the extension. I've recently learned that, in addition to the command prompt and run box, you can also run executable files (.exe, .bat, .lnk, .vbs) from the Windows Explorer address bar. The only problem...
  14. Windows 8 bat/exe files not found in path

    I have a Lenovo Ideapad s510p running original Windows 8.1. Bought it in May'14. The problem is that it's not able to find & run some bat & exe files given in the '%Path'. Whereas it can find some - it can't find some others. So it doesn't run them unless full path is specified. This is a big...
  15. Win Server2008 - How to know who/hostname accessing by RDP

    Dear All, I would know who/hostname/date/time that accessing to my Win server 2008 R2 via a remote desktop connection, so i have a script with command ECHO to show these information to text file once user logon, but i donot know which environment variables for exactly who is remoting session...
  16. TA14-268A: GNU Bourne Again Shell (Bash) ‘Shellshock’ Vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271,...

    Original release date: September 25, 2014 Systems Affected GNU Bash through 4.3. Linux, BSD, and UNIX distributions including but not limited to: CentOS 5 through 7 Debian Mac OS X Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 through 7 Link Removed 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTS, and 14.04 LTS Overview A critical...
  17. Windows 8 Weird PATH behaviour

    I've got a problem with PATH that doesn't make much sense to me- something I've done on three different Windows 8 machines with the same result. I use Java as an example because it's a common thing to have installed. There's an PATH segment pointing to Java, and if you CMD "java" it knows what...
  18. P

    Windows 7 How to really (!) set the Win 7 temporary system folder path?

    When I type at the CmdPrompt "set" then two core response lines are: TEMP=D:\temp TMP=D:\temp So from my point of view the path to the official system wide temporary folder is obviously D:\temp I expected that this folder is automatically protected and hidden in Windows Explorer. BUT...
  19. A

    Windows 7 basic scripting, usage piping, output redirections and variable in one example.

    Hi, I mostly use another OS, and need to rewrite following script into one which works in windows. OK, here's the command: curl -s -x -b ./cookies.txt -X GET Link Removed 2>&1 | tr -d '[]' | sed "s/,/\n/g" | head -n 1 | sed "s/.\(.*\)./\1/" here's what it does: loads content of...
  20. R

    Windows 7 Command prompt not working

    Hello. It seems as if my command prompt will not let me do any simple system commands such as ping, ipconifg, etc. And it will also not let me use commands for my compiler. The paths are set properly in the environment variables, but it still does not work. See the screencap below...