environmental impact

  1. whoosh

    How Much Radioactivity Is in the Oceans After Japan Nuclear Power Plant Disaster?

    Radionuclides in seawater have been reported from the Fukushima plant's discharge canals, from coastal waters five to ten kilometers south of the plant, and from 30 kilometers offshore. "Levels of some radionuclides are at least an order of magnitude higher than the highest levels in 1986 in...
  2. whoosh

    Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Reactor 3 Leaking Radioactive Water into Ocean !

    No one knew it was leaking until a worker found it on May 11. The amount of radioactive materials in the leaking water was far less than the pit water gushing from the Reactor 2 back in early April. Reactor 3 uses MOX fuel. TEPCO announced on May 11 evening that a high concentration of...
  3. whoosh

    Fukushima 8 tons of water an hour . So where is all that radioactive water going then ?

    Fuel rods in the No 1 reactor of Japan's Fukushima No 1 nuclear power plant may have mostly melted and dropped to the bottom of the pressure vessel as the water level in the vessel has been found to be significantly lower than thought, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday (May 12). The fuel...
  4. cybercore

    [BBC] Fukushima: What happened - and what needs to be done

    A month has elapsed since the emergency at Fukushima began. But what exactly has gone on there and what are the priorities now? One way of looking at the drama that has unfolded around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors is as a narrative with one central plot, and a number of...
  5. whoosh

    No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

    residents of Japan have good cause to mistrust the media, TEPCO officials, and members of their government when it comes to assurances about radiation levels, plutonium dispersal, and the related health risks. Americans also have good cause to mistrust these same sort of assurances issued to...
  6. whoosh

    All the measures at Fukushima are not working !

    77-year-old Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute on the situation at Fukushima I Nuke Plant, as he appeared on Asahi TV on April 29. As I watched the video, I started to like Mr. Ishikawa, who continues to believe in the safety of nuclear power generation. He didn't mince...
  7. whoosh

    Desperate spinning by nuclear lobby to resuscitate the industry

    proponents of reactors have spent some $645 million in the last decade lobbying Congress for more subsidies. ….A critical moment is coming soon, when Obama goes to Congress to request an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees for new nukes in his 2012 budget.With them, America’s atomic...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Traces Across ENTIRE Northern Hemisphere in First 9 Days

  9. whoosh

    Downed EPA Radiation site caused stir amid Fukushima monster cover-up

    The day after the Chernobyl nuclear crisis anniversary, amid what scientists call a monster government and industry cover-up of Fukushima's "off the scale" radiation impact on people in North America and beyond, when Link Removedwent down Tuesday, progressive websites reported it as news...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Christopher Busby: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion!

  11. whoosh

    PCC condemns Japan's action in Pacific Ocean

    SUVA, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) here Monday condemned as unacceptable the decision by the Japanese government to pump sea water to cool down the reactors which is then returned to the Pacific Ocean. While expressing its heartfelt condolences, thoughts and...
  12. whoosh

    Why the Japanese are Lying about Fukushima

    Here’s a snippet from an interview about the Fukushima nuclear situation in Japan. It gives us some insight into why they are covering up the issues and the depth they are prepared to go to to maintain the lie that everything is going to plan. But what’s worrisome is that a nuclear reactor is...
  13. whoosh

    Looks Like the FDA Are Wrong

    How will the radiation affect fish and seafood that have not yet been fished or harvested? The great quantity of water in the Pacific Ocean rapidly and effectively dilutes radioactive material, so fish and seafood are likely to be unaffected. However, FDA is taking all steps to evaluate and...
  14. whoosh

    Japan's fishermen struggle to stay afloat amid fish bans, radiated water releases

    The discovery of fish carrying high levels of radioactive materials off the Pacific Coast is stoking concerns about the viability of Japan's seafood industry. Link Removed Fishermen unload their catch at the Hirakata fish market in Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan, south of the stricken...
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...
  16. whoosh

    Japanese Fish Dangerously Contaminated By Fukushima

    With measurements of iodine 131 and the much worse cesium 134 isotopes detected at 7.5 and two million times past their “regulated levels” and contaminated water pouring into the Pacific Ocean, this was inevitable: the fish are contaminated too. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reports that...
  17. whoosh

    Lying about the level of raidation in water dumped in ocean

    Japan: TEPCO to release 11,500 tons of nuclear radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean declaring the water to be dumped contains only low levels of radioactivity. In reality the water about to be dumped is highly radioactive as I point out below. Breaking from Kyodo News: TOKYO, April 4, Kyodo...
  18. whoosh

    7 Tons Of Radioactive Water an HourPosted: 04 Apr 2011 01:28

    TOKYO — Workers’ desperate struggle to plug a gush of highly contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, using sawdust, shredded newspaper and an absorbent powder, appeared to be failing early Monday as the radiation threat from the crippled plant continued to spread...
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Daiichi Latest Update Pt1- 02.04.11

    The soil samples should normally be 100 Bequrels. The Japanese governments safety standard is 500 Bequrels. If the soil is contaminated with 20000000 Bequrels of radio active isotopes this is 19999500 Above the government safety standard. If as NHK is reporting this is the number detected, the...
  20. cybercore

    Despite Fukushima, Radiation Fears, Nuclear Still Safer Than Coal

    Link Removed - Invalid URL after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake has raised questions over the option of using nuclear power to generate electricity. The disaster has prompted an outpouring of fierce opposition to nuclear energy, and many states have begun weighing their nuclear futures. However...