environmental impact

  1. whoosh

    Lying about the level of raidation in water dumped in ocean

    Japan: TEPCO to release 11,500 tons of nuclear radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean declaring the water to be dumped contains only low levels of radioactivity. In reality the water about to be dumped is highly radioactive as I point out below. Breaking from Kyodo News: TOKYO, April 4, Kyodo...
  2. whoosh

    7 Tons Of Radioactive Water an HourPosted: 04 Apr 2011 01:28

    TOKYO — Workers’ desperate struggle to plug a gush of highly contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, using sawdust, shredded newspaper and an absorbent powder, appeared to be failing early Monday as the radiation threat from the crippled plant continued to spread...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Daiichi Latest Update Pt1- 02.04.11

    The soil samples should normally be 100 Bequrels. The Japanese governments safety standard is 500 Bequrels. If the soil is contaminated with 20000000 Bequrels of radio active isotopes this is 19999500 Above the government safety standard. If as NHK is reporting this is the number detected, the...
  4. cybercore

    Despite Fukushima, Radiation Fears, Nuclear Still Safer Than Coal

    Link Removed - Invalid URL after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake has raised questions over the option of using nuclear power to generate electricity. The disaster has prompted an outpouring of fierce opposition to nuclear energy, and many states have begun weighing their nuclear futures. However...
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Radioactivity 10,000 times the limit found from groundwater - 3 Fukushima Nuclear Reactors leaking

    Radiation in seawater at new high Radiation 4,385 times higher than the legal standard has been detected in seawater at a location 330 meters south of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company says 180 becquerels per cubic centimeter of radioactive iodine-131...
  6. whoosh

    Britain should not be afraid of nuclear power

    The earthquake and tsunami in Japan are tragedies of enormous proportions. Hundreds of thousands of people will need help in rebuilding their lives, and governments around the world will want to do all they can to help. In the past few days, much of the reporting of this tragedy has focused on...
  7. cybercore

    Post-tsunami, some Japanese shelter in nuke plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error ONAGAWA, Japan – As a massive tsunami ravaged this Japanese fishing town, hundreds of residents fled for the safest place they knew: the local nuclear power plant. Nearly three weeks later, 240 remain, watching TV or playing ball games with their children next...
  8. whoosh

    Huge jump in radiation inside Fukushima plant after radioactive water leak !

    The radioactivity in water in one unit of a hobbled nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan has tested 10 million times higher than normal, the plant's operator said Sunday. Leaked water in Unit 2 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant measured at 1,000 millisieverts per hour, Tokyo Electric Power...
  9. cybercore

    Japanese nuclear crisis on par with 3 Mile Island

    Tokyo (CNN) -- Japan's nuclear safety agency on Friday worsened its assessment of problems at the Fukushima nuclear power plant as soldiers and utility workers continued a frantic effort to hose down overheating nuclear fuel with water cannons. The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency raised...
  10. cybercore

    'Irresponsible pigeon feeder' faces jail for bird poo mess

    Bird lover Eva Hueber could be forced to pay compensation for 'irresponsible feeding' and might even face prison for the mess the birds caused in the Austrian city of Villach. The property management company on the estate where Ms Hueber lives is taking action for 'many years of irresponsible...
  11. cybercore

    VIDEO Steam-Powered Race Car Out to Set World Record

    Full steam ahead! Cyclone Power Technologies founder Harry Schoell and Chuk Williams, head of the U.S. Land Steam Record Team, stand in front of a car designed to set a land speed record for steam-powered vehicles. We usually think of steam powering things such as old-fashioned...
  12. cybercore

    London crematorium to heat water for town's swimmers

    Link Removed due to 404 Error A local authority has given the go ahead for a swimming pool to use energy created by the next-door crematorium to heat its water. The plan, the first of its kind in Britain, will see waste heat from the incinerator chimney used to warm up the neighbouring...
  13. cybercore

    Thousands of fish die in Chicago harbours

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error A bizarre scene is evolving on the Chicago lakefront, with Canada geese and mallard ducks gulping down dead or dying gizzard shad. A major die-off of what appears to be the 2010 class is happening in Chicago harbors. Thousands...
  14. whoosh

    China oil spill after pipe blast 'worse than thought'

    Efforts to clean up an oil slick continue in China, amid fears strong winds have dispersed the pollution more widely than previously been thought. Shipments of oil from the north to the industrial belt in the south have been disrupted since the accident. The oil spilled into the sea in North...
  15. whoosh

    Gulf oil spill reaches Texas as tar balls wash ashore

    Tar balls have landed on a Texas beach, meaning oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill has hit all five US Gulf states.Tests identified the small amount of tar found on the Bolivar Peninsula, north-east of Galveston, as coming from BP's blown-out well off Louisiana. But officials said it was unclear...
  16. whoosh

    What do we know about the Deepwater Horizon disaster?

    The Deepwater Horizon rig disaster caused the deaths of 11 crew and a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Since the 20 April catastrophe there has been much discussion in US Congressional hearings and the media about the sequence of events that led up to it. Here is a summary of what...
  17. M

    Oil spews again in Gulf after robot bumps cap

    It somehow doesn't surprise me. NEW ORLEANS — Oil spewed uncontrolled into the Gulf of Mexico again Wednesday after an undersea robot bumped the cap being used to contain it, forcing BP engineers to remove the device and then scramble to reattach it. The latest setback left nothing to stem...
  18. whoosh

    Gulf Oil Full of Methane !

    NEW ORLEANS (Associated Press) - It is an overlooked danger in oil spill crisis: The crude gushing from the well contains vast amounts of natural gas that could pose a serious threat to the Gulf of Mexico's fragile ecosystem. The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent...
  19. whoosh

    Comprehensive Coverage of the Oil Spill in the Gulf

    BP Oil Spill Live Feed: VIDEO Of Gulf Coast Gusher The above link will allow you the chance to see the , Oil Spill in action . There is also a meter which is estimating the actual volume of oil being discharged into the Gulf !
  20. whoosh

    Gulf of Mexico oil cap funnels 6,000 barrels

    A special cap funnelling oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill appears to be having some success, a US Coast Guard official has said. Adm Thad Allen said 6,000 barrels of oil were captured in the first 24 hours after the procedure commenced on Thursday. This represents between a third and a...