Hey all,
I'm posting this one because I'm really out of ideas right now.
When I try to access Windows Firewall in the control panel, I hear the "click" sound from windows, but nothing happens.
I've checked and the service is running normally, I restarted it and still nothing.
When I try...
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Matt.INNOVA\Desktop\021314-14492-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: *** Invalid ***
* Symbol loading may be unreliable without...
Hello everyone,
First time here.
I got a computer about 3 months ago, and im having BOSD with this different messages every day, twice or three times a day.
It happens randomly, sometimes its when im navigating on facebook/email/news, sometimes im working on video (After effects, photoshop and...
Internet Exception Error 12003 Details: The server returned extended information 226 Transfer complete. 200 Type set to I.
Just started after updating to 8.1
I have a program called WYSIWYG Web Builder. It has FTP built into the program. It uses wininet. I have had no problems with this program...
1: kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
This is a very common bugcheck...
I get BSOD's every now and then after waking up from sleep or logging in from startup. I've had Windows 8 installed for 6 months. The BSOD is something like system thread exception not handled. I used the program W7F Diagnostic and have the file attached.
Hello, I've been getting some pretty consistent BSOD's of late, usually through interaction with my laptop monitor. Closing the lid, disabling the monitor's driver and occasionally when leaving it to timeout/standby.
Any help will be appreciated!
Hi, I get the BSOD interrupt_exception_not_handled 0x3d, I used to get a variation of them, but I used a check disk app and got rid of 4 disk errors. the last two have been 0x3d and the latested featured file HDaudbus.sys. I get the BSOD mostly during games, but sometimes not gaming.
check disk
error codes
hardware issues
pc issues
personal build
service pack
system specs
windows 7
Help a brother out. I am unable to actually start windows, bsod's before it actually starts. Machine check exception appears as the bug, as well as 9c and x124 errors. I can't access mini dump files, and Ubuntu disk check informs me of "fatal machine check processor contact corrupt." I...
Hey guys, I would please like some help...i am starting to get a little worried.
The other night when i went to startup my laptop, i get a pop up that says....
Microsoft.net framework unhandled exception has occured in your app. If you click continue the app will ignore this error and attempt...
I installed Windows 8 yesterday, It was great, until it started random crashing. It crashed 5 times with same error (I think). The error is: Windows 8 BSOD - SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - ndu.sys.
For crash report from W8 File Collector see the attached file.
What can cause it...
Hey guys,
I just reinstalled windows on this computer. It gives me several errors and BSOD's.
The wireless stick keeps turning off and I can't help it.
I put the diagnostics in the attachment.
Link Removed due to 404 Error
Thx for the help guys ;)
Hi, im kinda on my last leg on here and my patience is kinda running thin. I have constant BSOD's with errors ranging from IRQL to KMODE EXCEPTION not handled. I have tried to solve this problem on my own but no no avail. I am hoping i can get help to fix this. I have attached my minidumps and...
Hi, i just recently got this refurb dell inspirion n5110 but am having some major issues. I thought i'd ask around a little before i activate my warranty.
I've had many different bsods in the last half a day or so, some of which include kernal power, irql_not_less_or_equal and a few system...
I am the developer of a driver for a network adapter device that does scatter-gather DMA. Driver is not newly developed, but has had some recent changes.
My client has a puzzling BSOD on one x64 machine after about 18 hours of successful operation. My x64 Win 7 machine runs fine...
Hello everyone, I'm kindly requesting a bit of assistance. Recently I've noticed while playing the game "Combat Arms", my computer receives random blue screens at some points, doesn't always happens but when it does I obviously wonder why. Usually the types are "System Service exception" or...
Microsoft security update MS11-100 limits the maximum number of form keys, files, and JSON members to 1000 in an HTTP request. Because of this change, ASP.NET applications reject requests that have more than 1000 of these elements. HTTP clients that...
THESE ARE Debugging details for pfn list corrupt
Opened log file 'c:\debug.txt'
1: kd> .sympath srv*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Expanded Symbol search path is...