
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Mythbusters - Soapy water + methane

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO The Didja Know Show... In the Lab! How to make "Elephant's Toothpaste"!

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Soviet Experiment resurected dead, Real Zombies, nazi war machine!

  4. whoosh

    Has The World Ended Yet ?

    Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet? :razz:
  5. kemical

    Sad day for SETI

    SETI: The search for signs of alien intelligence has had to shut down- Reference I remember running this app as a screensaver back in the day and really hope they find the 5 million or so dollars they need.
  6. cybercore

    VIDEO Cool Science Experiment

  7. M

    Possible Windows 8 Leak coming soon.

    Users wanting to get a taste of the new features Microsoft has been cooking up thus far in Windows 8 may get the opportunity to experiment with leaked M3 bits sooner than expected, according a source from a Softpedia editor: Check out the article here: Windows 8 Leak Coming Up, Promises...
  8. Grub

    VIDEO Ant Circle

    Apparently it happens when a group of ants get seperated from the main group.....they walk in circles following the scent trail until they die.
  9. Elmer

    Windows 7 Windows 7 - Glass Front Folder icon Set

    A set of icons I made when I first got Windows 7 as an experiment in being able to see the full Album or Film cover. I then decided to go with the glass effect (Vista) folders and so dropped this project. Link Removed due to 404 Error I'd originally posted these elsewhere and subsequently...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Potato Cannon

  11. kemical

    Celeron overclocked to 8.19 GHz

    OK it exploded but it did it A bloke managed to get an Intel Celeron D Processor overclocked from 3.06 GHz to 8.19 GHz. TiN_EOF's overclocking efforts seem to have set a new record for an overclocked processor's speed. Intel Celeron D 347 which contains the NeBurst architecture based in the...
  12. E

    Windows 7 my experiment with windows 7077

    I download version windows 7077I install it on my laptop (DELL Inspiron 1525) without any problems in both installation, software, driver defintion and performance. Also, it works very will.I wait the last version.I any one know about it, please tell me.thanks
  13. davehc

    Windows 7 First impression

    I can see I am already disagreeing with a couple of the views, unfortunately that includes Paul Thurrot.. When I read his blog, I almost felt that I had been given a different release. If you want to do it for the experiment, then good luck. You will get nothing out of M3 that you cannot get in...