folder permissions

  1. U

    Windows 7 Accessing data on Sata External HDD

    Once I finished loading WIN 7 RC this past weekend - I attempted to copy some files from an old XP Pro Drive via USB Ext HDD to my new DELL Studio XPS machine. The XP machine died a couple of weeks ago. I am able to see and access the files from the old C; drive but when I attempt to connect...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Strange sharing issues

    hi guys, I'm having some issues with sharing folders under windows 7. But let me first say that I use the german version of windows so my terminiology may not always be right (not to mention my english ;-)) ... I hope you get it nonetheless. So I'm describing the steps I did (numerous times -_-)...
  3. W

    Windows 7 Network Problem

    Hi, I’m running Windows 7-64 Bits and I’m very happy so far :razz: I have other 3 PCs (Windows 7-32 and XP), all connected through my wired home network. My problem is: I can access and modify files and folders from the PC with Win 7-64, but I can’t access this PC from the...
  4. I

    Windows Vista Can't add domain user to local folder permissions

    Hello all, I keep running into this problem on my vista business machines. I will try to add a domain account to a local folders security list and when I hit check name it will tell me that it can't find that user. When I hit advanced it tells me that "The server is not operational". All my...
  5. K

    Windows 7 Vista Virtualization - Limited to certain resources?

    I have read article after article and have been unable to answer this question: Does vista virtualize only certain resources? For instance, is virtualization limited only to Program Files, Users, and Windows folders and HKLM\Software in the registry? Can I create a limited access folder on...
  6. U

    Windows Vista Well I'm having problems with files

    I've been running Vista for about a month and it appeares to be really nice, Then I tried to install Sitepad Pro from Modelworks. It seems that during the install several directories are created and even though I'm running as Administrator and I've turned off that pesky UAC and I've gone in and...