font size

  1. M

    Font size used in jumplists

    Hello. In Win 10 which font name (like message_boxes or tooltips or menu_text_size) is used in the jumplists? Thanks in advance.
  2. auoraralocus

    Windows 11 What is the ideal line height to font size ratio?

    While there is no perfect line height, a good rule of thumb is to set it at approximately 150% of the font size. While there is no perfect line height, a good rule of thumb is to set it at approximately 150% of the font size.
  3. louishoway

    Windows 11 How do I change the font size in File Explorer?

    Step 1: Open the Settings app and navigate to Ease of Access > Display. Step 2: Under the Make text bigger section, move the slider towards the right side of the screen edge to increase the text size. The “Sample text” box located just above the slider displays the live preview of the new text...
  4. K

    Windows 10 Custom font size doesn't stick?

    Does anyone know why my Ease of Access "Make text bigger" font size selection doesn't stick on my laptop? Whenever I have my USBC hub plugged in with the external HDMI monitor the machine always starts up with a small font even know I already and previously selected 133% font size. It even...
  5. News

    Change the size of text in Windows 10

    Change the size of text in Windows 10 using Display settings or use Magnifier. Continue reading...
  6. C

    Windows 10 Text problems after latest update

    After the latest Win10 Update 10.0.18362 Build 18362 text size has changed for all applications and Internet. Text on internet email and internet is big and bold. Lines overlap because of the size. When trying to shop online (Chrome browser) descriptions overlap so that they are impossible to...
  7. F

    Windows 10 Display setting

    I like my type to be larger than what's offered with current settings - 1366x768. I scaled them up to 125% but that setting messes up some windows. I would like a setting of 110% but it's either or - 125 or 100%. Any way to get to 110%? Thanks.
  8. Curious

    Windows 10 Fonts

    Hello, I have installed and i use very much "Microsoft Money Plus Home & Business Version". What font is used by the product and how can I increment to see the screen better? I join a picture of the screen. I can´t almost see nothing... José Paiva
  9. Curious

    Windows 10 Fonts and Size in Windows 10 2004

    Hello, I don't know how to check the font and font size that is installed with Windows 10. I think it's the font "Segoe UI Regular"... This font is very small and not dark enough to be seen without any effort in Windows applications such as Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Money...
  10. P

    Windows 10 How to DEcrease (!) font size and line height in File Explorer?

    I would like to decrease (!) the font size, line height and eventually the font family of the font used in File Explorer of Win10. When I search for "Font change file explorer" in google then users are always directed to Settings--->Ease of Access--->Display --->Make text bigger But I don't...
  11. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Setting up Windows on my new computer?

    Hi I'm having a few problems finding settings because of the 3440 by 1440 resolution on my new monitor. There was always a place to change the size of fonts used by Windows in it's applications. I can't find that. If I have to I can use the slider to make everything larger but that makes some...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Devin Nunes Admits His Memo Was Based On Lies, He’s Just Made About FBI’s Font Size

  13. nichosi

    Windows 10 No text size sliderslider

    there is no text size slider in my w10pro Settings > System > Display. How to chancw font size on desktop & else where?
  14. N

    Windows 8 Fonts

    In the last three months every third or fourth time I restart Windows 8.1 the font is three points smaller and I have to change it and, of course, restart. Easy enough to do but a bit of a waste of time. Help please.
  15. D

    Windows 7 I cannot find my screen border double arrow - I

    Ok, not technical, but I try. I just got Win 7 after xp. I attempted to resize my font size, screen image size and make pages FIT the screen, with limited success. Then I tried to use my cursor (suggested to me) to go to my monitor's borders, but the double arrow does not appear. It doesn't...
  16. rusalka

    Windows 7 Font suddenly turned small and weird

    Hello, so I'm not a very computer savvy person and this is my first time posting on a forum like this, thus I apologize if I leave important information out or something. Basically, a few days ago I logged onto my tumblr and noticed that the font on my blog was different. I thought this was an...
  17. S

    Windows 7 make text larger when printing a page

    I have windows 7, a dell laptop and a photosmart 5510 series printer. I want to know how to make the text larger when the printed page comes out of the printer. Is this a windows problem or a printer problem? Exactly what are the steps I follow to solve this problem? Thank you.
  18. Junbong Yu

    Windows 8 (Windows 8.1)how can i change font size in metro ui tiles?

    Now i'm using windows 8.1 with 10'inch monitor monitor is small, but it supports 2560 * 1256 resolution resolution is too high on my small monitor, so every text and pictures are too small on my windows i already using my windows with scaling up icons, texts, by changing registry values. but...
  19. K

    Windows 7 Program Text to small

    I can't deal with ubber small font. windows 7 is a nightmare on that. My monitor is flatscreen and big (if that matters) Anyways I have the DPI adjusted to a rate I can deal with, at least in regards to the internet, control panels and stuff like that. My problem, my very very huge problem, is...
  20. S

    Windows 7 font size change

    can one explain what different occurs between the followings ; screen resolution 150% 144 dpi = =====150% zoom ========150% text size largest more to the point ,after one of the setting for 150 % already done what space get filled up by the next setting of again 150 % ? can one substitute the...