
  1. D

    Windows 8 Problems with new Windows 8 Box and Installation

    Good Morning and hello to all, I have recently purchased an Asus with the following specs: Windows 8 x64 build 9200 Asus X102BA 1.0 SER and cHASSIS :DANocx509191425 Boot Mode UEFI with successful Secure Boot Windows 8 (x64) (build 9200) Install Language: English (United Kingdom)...
  2. Windows 7 Non stop error from windows upate

    stupid ass windows update why is it such a complicated installation. i fix one error than i get a anther and another and so on, and now i fixed it to the point were my windows update freezes now
  3. RDP session freezes when you connect to a remote virtual machine that is running Windows 7 SP1

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  4. Wmiprvse.exe freezes in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

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  5. Windows 8 I have an Acer with Windows 8.1 that Freezes constanly

    I have an Acer V5-122P-0681 that I got in July. Worked beautifully for a few months. But now it gives me script errors(especially if I am on Google) and will freeze, then flash my desktop background. I have 416GB free of 453 Gb. All updates are current...I have Avast installed and it has not...
  6. Windows 7 Window display manager stopped working

    Hi there, Sometimes when I use the internet, my laptop freezes and it times some time to fix it. It happens vigorously when watching a video on my laptop sometimes accompanied by an error message "window display manager stopped working". How do I fix it? I have seen in some forums that...
  7. FIX: Image on monitors freezes while the display contents are updated in Windows 7 SP1 or...

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  8. Botched Black Tuesday patch KB 2887069 freezes, fails to configure, triggers a BSoD, and/or...

    If you've been trying to install last Tuesday's MS13-101/KB 2887069 patch and are having problems, you aren't Continue reading...
  9. Windows SMBv2 client computer freezes when the computer is under a heavy load

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  10. C

    Windows 7 BSOD 51 registery error

    I've included what I think is everything the thread asked. If theres anything else please let me know. After shutting down and later starting my computer to install windows update. Shortly after loading the desktop BSOD happens. Now I've tried triggering BSOD again but now it just freezes...
  11. Windows hangs or freezes

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  12. Windows Media Player freezes when you use AutoPlay for an audio CD in Windows 7

  13. V

    Windows 7 Constant Freezes, BlueScreens, and Crashes. (File Attached)

    My computer tends to crash, and freeze after being on for more than an hour a day. I ran Memory, Tests, Checked Wires, and Ran A Hard drive check and a sector and everything turned out normal. Also all of my drivers are up to date as well as my BIOS. -MY Q6600 is running on Stock settings...
  14. R

    Windows 7 Random BSOD's

    In the last week i have randomley BSOD's and total freeze's, just in windows and while i browsing on internet, never in games. So tuesday i decided to reinstall win 7, and bsod's and freeze's are still here. In last year i did not install new hardware, so this is not the problem, i try remove...
  15. Windows Media Player freezes when the computer AutoPlays an audio CD in Windows 7

  16. R

    Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death BCCode D1

    Hi guys, I'm experiencing slight freezes every once in a while. Computer is getting slower and slower by day and I have no idea what is causing this. Was multi-tasking yesterday and suddenly my computer froze completely with a BSOD as a result. I have no idea what the exact problem was, but...
  17. L

    Windows 7 Fresh install 2 days ago, now random BSOD and freezes, have no idea what is going on.

    Hi, I have no idea what is going on with my computer. I had a faulty hard drive with a bad sector on it and it finally failed on me. I bought a brand new hard drive and did a fresh install of windows 7 for the past few years my windows had been running fine, but after reinstalling windows on...
  18. Z

    Windows 7 Random BSODs, Tried everything, Totally out of options

    Hello, For a while now, i've been getting these bluescreens, I've reinstalled windows, reseated everything in the PC, done everything in my power to try and fix them, and usually I can do it myself with WinDbg, but I'm stumped now. I really have no idea what they are saying at all. In the...
  19. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 freezes randomly -How to restore windows registry

    My Window 7 64Bit freezes randomly. Although I do not know exactly what the cause is. I have noticed that windows always has "registry errors". I have repaired registry several times by using the tool "free windows registry" but NO success, keep coming back and the system still freezes...
  20. N

    Windows 7 Windows 7 CRASHES when loading anything that has to do with .net, including updates!

    I have no idea what is wrong. I have tried everything. Nothing is working. I have uninstalled everything .net on my pc, and used the clean up tool for it, and re-installed, and nothing. It freezes up anything I try to update anything with Windows Update, or when I use a program that uses the...