hdd management

  1. N

    Windows 7 Creating new drive to hdd after conversion to basic disk from dynamic disk

    I'm having problems creating new partitions on my hdd fro munused space I have on my disk. It is bit long story but I hope somebody reads it and knows how to help me. I got a new Acer computer (with Windows 7) which had 1 TB hdd. In the hdd there were C- (~500 GB), D (~500 GB)-drives and this...
  2. K

    Windows 7 Windows partition lost, help

    Hello everyone, Sorry if I posted this wrong but I am going nuts right now. I did have a windows 7 installation on my laptop with 1 HDD 320 GB and 2 partitions, 85GB and 225 GB or something like that. My windows was installed on the 85 GB partition called ACER[C:] and my stuff/documents were...
  3. B

    Windows 7 More Questions On Dual Boot Vista & W7.

    Hello, I've have a new laptop with Vista 32 installed. I'm going to put W7 32 on it as soon as I can get the "free after all the red tape" DVD from my vendor. Are there any (known) disadvantages to having both OS's installed with dual boot capability? Is there a "preferred" way of installing W7...
  4. S

    Windows 7 any way to lock diff partition

    windows 7 so i have 1 HDD but 2 partitions 1 for OS and programs 2 for songs, movies and other garbage now as admin, i can lock folders on partition 1 but for partition 2 (whole) i dont have anything to chose from only "Everyone" is on list and has full control but when i want to...
  5. R

    Windows 7 Dual Boot questions

    I have dual booted xp and vista before without a problem, my question is can I dual boot Win7 and Vista 64? If I do this, which one do I need to install first? If I want one of them to boot as default, how do I do this? and if I want to change which ones boots as default, how do I change it...