After installing latest Windows update (on 09.09.2019), Realtek driver is missing. No sound in the laptop now. No solution works.
Tried to restore to pre-update position. Restore goes on for 10 hours, still not getting completed.
Something awfully wrong. Updates are evidently not getting tested...
11th hour
I have 2 files one from 6/26/19 and the other is from 6/27/19.
All MP4 videos i take before the 1st date play audio everything else I've taken after then has no audio playback for me on my PC.
I can open any of the files on my phone and hear it in which ever media place Ive put it...
The latest Windows 10 update installed itself automatically two days ago and immediately began to cause problems on my PC. Any Excel file now takes 12-15 seconds to start, annoying enough since I use Excel a lot, but worse, Excel now routinely crashes with the loss of any unsaved work. Other...
Recently I had my laptop taken to the shop. When I got it back today, it was all good and new, new keyboard and all. But the only thing that was weird was the backspace button. I have to hold it for multiple seconds before it starts to delete. Every other key works quickly except for the...
I have entered every possible password and even reset my MS password, and it just keeps popping up. I don't know what it wants! It started after I rebooted my laptop, and now my iphone is prompting me for my exchange password.
Anybody else find that when Windows 10 updates once a week, mine usually on a Tuesday, that your computer is absolutely useless. Nothing works! You waste your time trying to achieve anything because the computer is lagging and not wanting to perform any instructions.
Just started happening today - mouse keeps freezing. Changed the batts but still freezes. Starts and stops. Someone posted a msg saying a recent update may be responsible. ???
I keep getting these notification in the notification pop-up. It tells me to click on the notification to upgrade or what ever. Every time I click on it nothing happens it just goes away. Am I doing something wrong. I there something else I should have done. Right now I keep getting the...
Every time I boot up windows It constantly changes the time to 5 hours ahead. I have the correct time zone selected. I constantly change it back, but windows always changes it ahead again. Why is windows doing this and how can I fix it?
Since my computer is prone to Bluescreens (separate article), My Video thumbnails and some dektop folder thumbnails are not showing. I don't think if this is related to the bluescreen I'm saying.
It is very annoying and especially I cannot find my videos easily.
(note that the attached photo...
I have set the clock in windows 10 a dozen times but every time i turn it off and then boot up again the next day it changes it 7 hours earlier. I keep setting the clock and the pattern repeats. Any thoughts?