
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Unlikely Things to Hear in a Police Station - Mock The Week

  2. Elmer

    Old Jokes

    The Lone Ranger and Tonto are surrounded by 3000 Sioux warriors. Lone Ranger: " I think we're in trouble Tonto". Tonto: " What's with the 'we' pale face?"
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO World ends Today - Must be true - Harold Camping Says :P 21/10/2011

  4. reghakr

    The best unintentionally sexual church signs

    These inadvertently erotic billboards spotted outside various places of worship look like the work of some extremely naive — or severely repressed — church employees. Luckily, those of us who've already double-stamped our tickets to Hell are physically incapable of overlooking a dick joke...
  5. DriveSoft

    Windows 7 Realistic Cockroach on Desktop

    Hello, I would like to introduce you to my new funny free program. Cockroach on Desktop download: When you see one of these cockroaches on the screen, they look very real. They even walk around the same way real cockroaches...
  6. cybercore

    [APRIL FOOL] April Fools' jokes poke fun at royal wedding

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Britain's royal wedding is off! Oh no it's not, it's an April Fools' joke. The big royal occasion later this month was the top target for traditional April 1 pranks in the press on Friday, including bride-to-be Kate Middleton shopping for baby clothes and...
  7. Trouble

    How to have a little fun after you've retired

    Since my wife and I have both been retired for a few years we're always looking for alternative ways to add a little fun to our day. I saw this and thought it was funny so I thought that I would pass it along.
  8. A

    I just farted in a jar. Who wants to buy it?

    Who wants to start off the bid :P Share funny quotes or Jokes that you may have with all of us :D:razz::razz::p
  9. whoosh

    You Just Knew !

    You should have stayed in bed ! :razz:
  10. Grub

    VIDEO Terry Pratchett tells a dirty joke.
