
  1. H

    Windows XP WinXP install issues | New hard drive

    Hi, I'm a computer noob. I have a 12 year old retail-purchased PC that came with WinXP Home pre-installed on the 160GB hard drive. The original OEM hard drive squeals terribly loud and sounds like it's going to die. I'd like to replace it, but not sure how to get WinXP installed on a fresh hard...
  2. D

    Windows 7 How to get Windows 7 to 'see' a secondary HDD that was previously used as slave in Win98SE system

    Hi, I've successfully installed a 100GB IDE drive that was successfully being used as a secondary 'slave' drive in an older Win98SE system (it had to be partitioned into 4 25GB partitions, to deal with 98's inability to handle large HDDs). I want to preserve the data in the drive (it's just...
  3. T

    Windows 7 [DRIVERS?] 100GB IDE Maxtor drive reports ~2TB and won't work.

    When I first built my pc, my Seagate SATA drive arrived DOE, so I used a older 100GB IDE Maxtor and used Windows 7 x86 without problems for about a month. The drive has since been used as a backup drive by my brother for the past 9 months. It has had no problems till now. I installed it...
  4. whoosh

    Hold This

    "Hold this . Got to go back in the jumpers need changing over ." Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed - Invalid URL ;;)Link Removed - Invalid URLLink Removed due to 404 Error
  5. delvis

    Windows 7 Install W7 on new hard drive and make existing hard drive slave

    Hey there. I'm thinking I'm going to purchase a new hard drive to Install Windows 7 on. My idea is to simply swap the jumpers on my existing primary hard drive to make it a slave drive and not worry about backing up my existing data. Seems simple enough, which makes it scary that I can't...
  6. J

    Windows 7 SATA and IDE problems

    I have a SATA Raid setup that I don't want to mess with. I added a seperate IDE hard drive that I am going to install Windows 7 on. I tried to install Windows with the IDE set up as a slave. This did not work. I then disconnected the SATA setup and set the IDE jumpers to master. The install is...