manual connection

  1. Windows 8 will not connect automatically on internet

    Our elderly laptop "Compaq Presario CQ61-222SA" suddenly does not connect automatically on the internet. I have w8.1, the blue Wifi light is on, each start up I have to open Networks, & connect to the BTHub5 manually. is the fault in the laptop or where. ..............thanx .........nick
  2. Windows 7 Having Connection Problems? Possible Solution.

    Hi everyone! I have been having problems with my internet connection for the last few weeks. I had to constantly restart it by going into network connections and disabling and re-enabling it. I always had this when Bonior Services was installed, but I looked and it...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Wireless wont auto connect on restart

    Everything working fine with wireless internet and auto connect is enabled however on restarts the wireless wont reconnect i have to do it manually on the icon. Any ideas?
  4. D

    Windows 7 "Could not reconnect all network drives" Problem

    Hello all: I've found several others having the same problem as I on this and other forums but no answer yet. I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive...
  5. A

    Windows Vista Vista deployment not connecting to domain

    Ok, here is what seems to be the problem. We have a deployment process set up to deploy Windows Vista for the most part unattended. We have an answer file (unattend.xml) that we use to specify all of our settings. In the answer file, we have set up the deployment to automatically join our domain...