media server

  1. C

    Windows 7 Wireless not accepting security key

    My setup is Linksys WRT610N router, CNET RAlink CWP-905 wireless card New clean install of windows 7 will not accept the correct valid security key when entered to connect to the network. It does not even seem to go away and check but immediatley says it is invalid. I am trying to connect to...
  2. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 / Media Player 12 Libraries

    Good Morning, I hope you'll forgive a bit of a (probably) newbie question. I have avoided working with Vista since it's release due to the problems it had when it first came out, and general dislike of it etc. I recently decided to try windows 7 however, and I know it's got a LOT of...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Can't See MediaVault

    I have an HP MediaVault MV2120. It is a home file storage/server running a Linux OS. It also has a media server that runs in the background. I had zero problems with seeing it while running XP. Now, with Win7, I can only get to it by manually entering in the network address. I can not see or...
  4. Windows 7 Cannot See Computer(s) on Network!

    I have a basic LAN with 4 computers running Windows 7 RC 7100... I have joined all the computers to the Home Group, but most of the time when switching on the computers, some do not appear on the scene, wether in Home Group, or My Network... it is only until you log into them that they appear...
  5. Windows 7 Sharing a WiFi connection to an ethernet connection.

    It's sort of complicated, when I was using XP I would set my wifi connection to share to my ethernet connection which is connected to my PS3 (not a word. :mad:), Now in windows 7, on the properties of the wifi connection, there's no sharing tab, which means I can't get online with my PS3 (it's...