missing fonts

  1. F

    Windows 7 Font Help - Centry Gothic Disappeared

    > Running Windows 7 Home Premium with Microsoft Office 2010 (Microsoft Word 2010). I've had the Century Gothic font since I first installed Microsoft Office, and haven't had a problem with the program up until now. I haven't done anything recently other than simply update Windows, but I've...
  2. R

    Windows 8 Missing system fonts

    Upon rebooting Windows 8.1 64-bit, it seems many, if not all, my system fonts are gone from Windows itself, my browsers, email programs etc. My Font Manager program shows only 88 fonts installed instead of the usual 800+. System Restore was unsuccessful, and Restore Default Font Settings did...
  3. I

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Font Missing

    A workstation that is on our domain at our church is consistently loosing fonts. The user of this workstation does heavy Photoshop projects and is constantly having to re-install the fonts that are disappearing. Usually how this is realized is when she tries to select Helvetica from Photoshop...
  4. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Missing Fonts

    Hi all, my mother's laptop has Windows 7 and has missing fonts. I tried a couple of things like copying fonts from one Windows 7 machine to another but it appears the fonts are already there. I also tried the reset fonts option from the control panel (>fonts). I also tried running some scannow...
  5. dorinspoaller

    Windows 7 Windows 7 fonts missing !

    Hi, I don't know what happened, but when I turned on my PC this morning I found out that the following fonts are missing from the Windows/Fonts directory: Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman. Maybe others are missing also, but I can't tell. Everything is Italic and/or Bold. So my questions are...