
  1. S

    Windows 10 Installed W10 32-bit on Asus EEE PC 1000H

    Good evening... I have recently upgraded my Asus netbook from W7 to W10. This has been quite a mission, but happy to report that the machine and OS are now stable. I just have one significant issue. The Desktop Window Manager executable (dwm.exe) is seriously stressing the CPU. I have...
  2. Scarlet637

    Windows 7 My Sony viao netbook model VPC11M11M1E rejects all attempts to search websites and reports that IE cannot display the web page

    My Sony netbook is running windows 7 home premium but I believe the IE is out of date and when I attempt to load IE11, I get the message Internet Explorer cannot display the web page. I have tried several suggestions includingVaio help but without success. Can somebody offer me a solution other...
  3. J

    Windows 10 Have Win 10 and different computer can not see or share info

    I have desktop and laptop plus a netbook(small 11 in acer) all running win 10. Some times the laptop see the desktop and some times the netbook see the laptop. I noticed you had a small batch file and tried to run (1st post) The screen turns black and a few seconds later it goes away. If I go...
  4. C

    Windows 10 Win 10 Home update is stuck in loop

    I have a ASUS Netbook (X200CA) that has received the free Win 10 upgrade a year or two ago. It recently went about it's business and installed one of the many Win 10 updates and has never been able to recover since that time (around 12/25/17 or shortly thereafter). It gets to the blue Win 10...
  5. W

    Windows 7 [SOLVED] Windows 7 (Ultimate) on old netbook?

    Hello I bought a second-hand Asus EeePC 1001PXD which sports an Atom N455 processor and 2GB RAM. While Linux had multiple issues, XP worked right away. However, as XP is no longer supported, I was wondering how Windows 7 would run on that hardware, either Home or Ultimate. Thank you.
  6. D

    Windows 10 Incompatible screen stopping upgrade to win 10

    I think this thread title might describe my problem, but I'm not sure. I have an Acer Aspire One (532h-2588) netbook that I purchased in 2010. I want to update it to Windows 10. The GWX utility (system tray icon) says the netbook is compatible. When I try to update or just download Win 10...
  7. A

    Windows 7 Deleted Windows OS from my Netbook..... Help!

    Hi! So my windows OS WAS deleted from my toshiba netbook. Now all I have is some Linux os which sucks because it is not iTunes compatible and I use an iphone. I have no idea how to get Windows back. I heard Windows 7 has a netbook edition that is free! Is that true? Can anyone burn that into...
  8. scoostraw

    Windows 7 Windows Backup has not been set up.

    I've had weekly backups set up in Windows 7 for quite a while now. Every Sunday evening. And often as the time nears, I will open the control panel so I can monitor its progress. Tonight when I did so, my backup settings were all gone. It was just "Windows Backup has not been set up". And...
  9. K

    Windows 10 Going back to Windows 8.1

    I used the display driver uninstaller, and installed the latest AMD drivers. I also tested RAM, which passed. Things seemed to go well, but then BSOD returned with a vengeance. Sadly, I had to revert back to Windows 8.1. It was simply too disruptive and time consuming to have to deal with. Maybe...
  10. yinka273

    Windows 7 install windows 7 from disc without CD-ROM drive

    Hello. I want to install windows 7 on my netbook because I somehow lost its OS (which was windows 7) it now currently has no OS. I got the installation disc and copied the content into a 4GB USB stick. I don't know if just coping the files will make it bootable. I want to install windows from...
  11. N

    Windows 7 How speed up W7 by shutting off Services?

    My wife has a netbook with Windows 7 Starter. It is extremely slow - even though the only program she ever uses is Internet Explorer - period!!! What Services can I change the status of without affecting her use of the netbook? I have already used MSCONFIG and shut everything off there except...
  12. Ishan

    Windows 10 Windows 10 from windows 7 Starter

    Hi forum-goers, (I apologise if I am posting in the wrong place, I am new here.) I have a netbook from a fair bit ago, the HP Mini 210-1051VU and recently have been trying to get it Windows 10 ready. I've upgraded the ram to 2GB and plan to upgrade the hard drive to SSD and install a broadcom...
  13. nichosi

    Windows XP SKYPE not installing in XP & in Vista

    SKYPE will not install in laptop Vista & Acer netbook XP. In XP I deleted all traces of Skype in the registry except one entry "Legasy Skypeupdate" Anybody else with same problem?
  14. bishop144

    Windows XP Windows Longhorn

    I wasn't sure where to post this but, I need help. I'm working on a project to rebuild the beta OS Windows Longhorn. I have installed Build 4039 on a Toshiba netbook, but there are numerous issues. Really what I'm asking for is someone who can help me over e-mail to resolve issues as they...
  15. RJSmith92

    Windows 7 PCI bus and memory ranges in Device Manager.

    Hello, I looked in device manager on my netbook that has no dedicated graphics card (so no dedicated VRAM) and uses shared system RAM as it’s video buffer, the following memory ranges have been assigned to the on board card - Link Removed If I then change the view in device manager to...
  16. serpJedi

    Windows 8 Windows 8 on an older Netbook? (Dell Inspiron 910 "mini")

    I'm considering loading Windows 8 on an older Netbook - it has an Atom N270 1.6ghz cpu, 2GB of ddr2 and a solid state disk, so I'm thinking while far from a beast, it should be able to keep up? this has more info on it...
  17. Bert261

    Windows 8 Video transfer, W7 to W8?

    Totally new to W8, but reasonably literate for a 64 yr old. Can anybody please tell me why I cannot simply transfer video from my W7 Samsung laptop to my W8 HP Touchscreen 11.6 netbook? Picture, docs, all okay, but with video it will transfer the sound but not the picture. Any thoughts please...
  18. N

    Windows 7 Mobile

    I am looking for a mobile device weather it be a PDA type device a umpc a net book or any thing in beweet that runs windows I need it to have wifi and be dirt cheap new or refurbished or used from a reliable seller. Tell me what you guys think.
  19. B

    Windows 7 registration Key not accepted

    I am unable to find my original post...Link Removed replied to me and I followed the instructions provided for activation of Windows7. After spending much time on the telephone with MS support (blah). I am still unable to activate. I know the problems lies with my trying to activate my Win7 Pro...
  20. B

    Windows 7 registration key not accept ed

    I have a netbook that originally had XP installed. I upgraded to Win7 and experienced no problems. Thought I would try Linux Ubuntu...too much for me. Had to download Gparted to slick disk. Worked well, reinstalled Win7 using a legally purchased upgrade probs until activation time...