Hello all:
I've found several others having the same problem as I on this and other forums but no answer yet.
I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive...
data backup
error messages
file sharing
home network
manual connection
network configuration
network drive mapping
networkdrivesnetwork troubleshooting
persistent connections
reconnect issues
shared drives
sharing settings
system setup
user credentials
windows 7
windows explorer
xp server
OK guys -- as I've posted else where I'm happy with X-32. Now I'm seriously testing the 64 bit version.
For 64 bit only build 7000 seems available at the moment even from "the usual places" where treasure can be found.:razz::razz:
Strange networking problem - even with all firewalls off...