network drives

  1. D

    Windows 7 "Could not reconnect all network drives" Problem

    Hello all: I've found several others having the same problem as I on this and other forums but no answer yet. I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive...
  2. J

    Windows 7 W7 Build 7000 X-64 Weird Networking Problem

    OK guys -- as I've posted else where I'm happy with X-32. Now I'm seriously testing the 64 bit version. For 64 bit only build 7000 seems available at the moment even from "the usual places" where treasure can be found.:razz::razz: Strange networking problem - even with all firewalls off...