nonpaged area

  1. K

    Windows 10 Bsod's coming non stop since a month

    Hi are my specs Gigabyte h110m ds2 I5 6600 MSI GTX 1060 WD Blue 1TB 8GB DDR4 HyperX fury 2133Mhz So here is the thing..i am facing bsods since past month after a clean install...there were many- memorymanagement,watchdogviolation,faultyhardware,nonpaged area and many more.... So...
  2. Abdullah

    Windows 8 Windows 8 bsod

    Page fault in a non paged area What does this mean. It's really irritating me Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  3. A

    Windows 7 Crazy BSOD problem with Z580!

    Hi ,Few days ago I bought a Z580 Laptop (CI7/4GB Ram /500GB HDD) .. I get BSOD and I unable to find the reason Link Removed I tested the ram with memtest/HCI memtest and windows memory diagnostics for over 24h and not error showed ... I tried to recover the windows but I still get blue screen...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Blue screen random

    i have blue screens very often.... please help This is the message on the blue screen: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA And i find this on net about this message: Faulty hardware, including RAM (system, video, or L2 cache)
  5. A

    Windows 7 Please Help Me With Page Fault In Nonpaged Area

    hello, i have tried and tried with no luck the memory is ok the hardisk ok every thinh seems ok all the drivers up to date and i have installed everything in windows update i had enough i will leave it for the professoinal to solve it so please guys i need your help i have attached the midumb...
  6. P

    Windows 7 paged fault in a nonpagea area

    I have done everything I can to figure this out and I can't seem to. The RAM has no errors on MEMtest x 3; I have re-installed windows and I am getting the same error. Hardware or software?
  7. T

    Windows 7 Frequent BSODs encountered

    I'm encountering BSOD's every 10 minutes or so from the past few days. I also have Windows XP which runs fine without BSODs. From BlueScreenViewer, I always get PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, caused by some ntkernel and halmacpi. Please help.
  8. C

    Windows 7 Lots of Blue Screens on new build - thinking dodgy Mobo

    Can I get help to analyse these BSODs please. I have a horrible feeling my mobo is knackered but will try anything to avoid RMA'ing it. Don't have a list of all the BSODS but will list them as they appear. Currently have 2 written down, but I have also had Page error in nonpaged area...
  9. A

    Windows 7 Getting frequent BSOD,Help...

    I am getting BSOD error every few minutes after i switch on my pc. page_fault_in_nonpaged area I did memtest86 and found no errors. Thanx in advance.
  10. E

    Windows 7 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - SF Diag attached

    Hey guys, I'm new to the board and hoping someone can help me with my BSoD problem. I just installed a new graphics card and my pc will boot and I am able to login, but after a few minutes I get a BSoD with: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA I've tried everything short of a complete reinstall of...
  11. T

    Windows 7 Intermittent BSOD

    I was getting blue screens with "page fault in nonpaged area". I updated my drivers and it still happened. I swapped out my memory and it still happened. Also getting blue screens about cdd.dll. I've attached the requested .zip file, with the exception of RAMMON. I got the error "RAMMON was...
  12. gavinh

    Windows 7 Frequent Bad Pool Header and Page Fault in Nonpaged Area BSODs

    Hello, I am running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium alongside Linux. Recently I have experienced many BSODs in Windows. Chrome began rendering pages incorrectly at the same time that the BSODs seemed to begin. Speccy also does not correctly identify the NVidia GeForce 310M card (it displays...
  13. News

    Stop error message in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2: "Stop error code 0x0000007E (SYSTEM_THREA

    Fixes an issue in which you may receive Stop Error 0000007E (Error 0x7E) (SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED), or Stop Error 00000050 (Error 0x50) (PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA) in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 More...
  14. News

    Stop error message if under heavy load in Windows Server 2008, in Windows Vista, in Windows 7 and in

    Fixes an issue in which a Stop Error 00000050 (Error 0x50) (PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA) occurs on a computer if the computer is under heavy load. More...
  15. L

    Windows 7 BSOD, cannot boot PC, Help Please!

    Hi, I was surfing the web and watching videos when suddenly my laptop turned off and restarted. However, the restart was unsuccessful and I saw the BSOD. The blue screen didn't stay and the PC automatically started start up repair. It did not fix the problem. It gave me the option to go to the...
  16. K

    Windows 7 BSOD several times today, PAGE_FAULT

    Have gotten PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA alot today, I do tend to get it a bit but not as much as today. To my understanding this is a hardware issue, most likely RAM? Just want to pinpoint what it actually is so i can fix this... Here are all the dumps from today. Thanks in advance...
  17. vallanzaska

    Windows 7 BSOD

    hi everybody im having trouble with these bsod Crash Dump Analysis On Mon 09/05/2011 13:50:33 GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\050911-17066-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x70740) Bugcheck code: 0x1A (0x5003...
  18. N

    Windows 7 Disk boot failure then BSOD.

    I have a modified HP Media Center Edition. My dad was on it and said that it crashed with a BSOD. When I rebooted it said Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I inserted the Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate installation disk that I had used to install this copy and the computer...
  19. J

    Windows 7 Random BSOD during gaming

    The blue screen started when i 1st got mass effect 1. I had dozens of blue screens with the game and me1 was recently uninstalled. I started playing mass effect 2 which i had on my computer before ME1 was installed. Anyways Me2 never blue screened on me but now ever since installing and playing...
  20. R

    Windows 7 BsOD: page_fault_nonpaged_area

    Hi To all people, im new at this forum and i have a problem here when im shutting down my pc or just shutdown for rebooting from the normal configuration (Start -> Shutdown / Reboot), here is the minidump , and its a problem like "page_fault_nonpaged_area", no more to say and thank you for...