
  1. VIDEO More Than 1.1 Million Sign Petition Supporting Impeachment of Trump

    :eek: :usa:
  2. VIDEO 2,000 Lawyers Sign Petition Asking For Jeff Sessions To Be Disbarred

  3. NEWS Stars urge more action over Ebola

    Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Ellie Goulding are among stars aiming to mobilise world leaders into doing more about the Ebola crisis in West Africa. They have teamed up with figures such as Morgan Freeman, Thandie Newton and Will Ferrell to encourage further action to contain the outbreak in a...
  4. VIDEO Thousands sign no benefits for rioters petition

  5. Pole dancing seeks an Olympic leg-up

    Exotic dancers want to be part of the Games and stranger things have happened – but why don't we try superinjuncting? Having started out totally sleazy and ended up halfway respectable, pole dancing has travelled in the opposite direction to the Olympic movement. Yet the former is pushing...
  6. Paris woman trapped for 20 days in bathroom

    An elderly woman has survived being trapped in her bathroom in Paris for 20 days, after the door lock jammed. The room had no window or phone so the 69-year-old was unable to tell anyone but she tapped on pipes during the night, hoping to alert her neighbours. They thought the noise was DIY...
  7. Stop The Broadband Con

    I am rather interested in this ploy by Virgin . The fury of other ISP'S is not really surprising :) You should be getting what you pay for. Whether it’s a full pint in the pub, forty miles to the gallon or your broadband speeds. But millions of internet users are being short changed every day...
  8. R

    Windows 7 Browser Choice Screen update for Europeans users only

    Browser Choice Screen update for Europeans users only: Link Removed i don't understand why the EU is making microsoft do this. hopefully it doesn't happen in the usa. anyway somebody has already started a petition to microsoft to not do it:
  9. Windows 7 Petition to release Windows 7 now....

    Apparently there's a petition to have Microsoft release Windows 7 now... though I agree and think they should get on with things and release it now.. I very much doubt it will work... If you want to "sign" the online petition though click the link below. :) Release Windows 7™ |...
  10. Creative drivers for vista

    Hi some of you may be aware of the 'rumpus' thats been happening over at the creative forums.. If you haven't, here's a quick run down: As you may be aware many of creatives products don't have the same functionality in Vista as they do in XP. Creative have said that it's not possible to...