
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Phenomenon - Straight Cockney

  2. cybercore

    VIDEO UFOs Over Utah Drop Flare-Like Objects

    UFOs Over Utah Drop Flare-Like Objects What were those bright, flare-like objects dropped from aerial red UFOs over Utah? No official explanation has been offered. With so many small video cams and cell phones that include cameras, it's become more and more commonplace that people...
  3. cybercore

    Triple Sun seen over China

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Video -->> An astronomical phenomenon that appears to show three suns appears above Changchun, the capital city of Jilin Province in northeast China. Two smaller suns appeared...
  4. whoosh

    Partial Solar Eclipse : The View From The UK !

    Impressive 8-}
  5. cybercore

    First newspaper front page streaker picture

    Link Removed Britain's Daily Mirror was the first big-circulation newspaper internationally to picture an active streaker on its front page. Its March 18th 1974 issue showed an attractive blonde streaker called Sally pinned against a wall by a London policeman. Streaking - running naked...
  6. fjgold

    Windows 7 strange cause and effect phenomenom

    Hi folks, Happy Thanksgiving. Win 7 RC (build 7100) I have an Acer notebook with bluetooth (see my sig for specs). It has a switch on the front right of the machine to turn the bluetooth on and off. Because I don't use bluetooth I have it turned off and also have no drivers installed for it...