
  1. Josephur

    Windows 11 Python and Windows File System Permissions

    What is the best way to read a files owner and permissions, create a new file then apply those permissions without using the subprocess method or command line icacls etc.
  2. E

    How to prevent "Microsoft defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognised app" warning for my own python based app

    Hi, I have developed a python based application for windows 10 and I created a setup exe for installation into Program Files (x86) folder via inno setup tool. My problem is whenever I execute my setup.exe file on another windows device, SmartScreen shows "Microsoft defender SmartScreen...
  3. Rishab7

    Windows 7 How to connect JavaScript to Python in an Chrome Addon?

    I want to connect my .js code with my .py in a Chrome Add-on. I want some text from JS being analyzed by the Python ki I've implemented. Then the return value from Python should get passed back to my JS file. Is this possible to do? It's ok when the Add-on is only runnable locally. I'm looking...
  4. K

    Linux Difficulty in loading snappy modules

    Hello Marpet, I have a windows 10 operating system with 8 GB RAM, with Anaconda 3.7 version installed on my computer. I installed snappy using conda command, but running the following command shows import error: from snappy import ProductIO gives an error. ImportError: cannot import name...
  5. xavier12358

    Use ROS python package

    I have successed install ROS on Windows thanks to that link: Now I want to use the installed Python ROS package but my system doesn't seems to detect it. Should I have to add in Windows environement variable the Noetic ROS folder to be able to import...
  6. Rishab7

    Windows 7 Issues with understanding the Longest Increasing Subsequence code

    Hello all, I am having issues understanding the code posted on this blog for the Longest Increasing Subsequence problem. I've been trying to implement the code, but I haven't been able to get the correct output. The code I've been trying to implement is as follows: def LIS(A): n = len(A)...
  7. M

    Windows Server In Python, how do you call the super function Object()

    class A: def __init__(self): print("world") class B(A): def __init__(self): print("hello") B() # output: hello The super function Object() is invoked implicitly in every other language I've worked with. In Python, what does one call it? I expected super(self), but it...
  8. M

    Android Python string find() examples

    I'm looking for examples, but I'm not finding any. Are there any examples on the internet? I'd like to know what it returns when it can't find something, as well as how to specify the starting and ending points, which I assume will be 0, -1. >>> x = "Hello World" >>> x.find('World') 6 >>>...
  9. C

    Windows 10 Install Windows 10 prof on Windows 11 laptop help

    Hello, I just bought a Lenovo Idea Pad with Windows 11 pre installed on it. However I cannot tolerate Windows 11 for x,y,z reasons. I saw on internet that in order to go to windows 10 professional, I have to re-image the laptop. I am a bit technology savvy so if anybody could give the desired...
  10. johnbenrob

    Windows 10 Massive Windows Folder

    Hi there, I have installed Win10 on my laptop & also python, brave browser & putty. The windows folder is 45GB so, I think I might have a previous build or old version saved somewhere - I don't know. Is there a way of checking? Many thanks John
  11. janoroot

    Windows 10 How to properly install Tartube on Windows 10

    The command line is not for everyone. I believe it's for special people, for hardcore nerds. Fortunately for anyone who is interested in a graphical version of youtube-dl, Tartube is an option. Written in Python programming language, there are many ways through which Tartube can be installed...
  12. papermoon1978

    Windows 10 WindowsApp as a service

    Hi! Short version How to give the local system account access to an app from the MS Store installed by another user ? Long version I'm using Python 3.8 from the MS Store and want to execute it as a Windows service running under the local system account (for sake of completeness I developed a...
  13. G

    Windows Equivalent of Xvfb?

    Hello, I have written some code to automatically take pictures with my Sony RX0M2 camera. I did this using Imaging Edge Desktop application and pyautogui. Imaging Edge is sony's thethered shooting(remote shooting) application. It works good, that is until I remove the screen to the desktop. For...
  14. News

    Hosted App Model

    In Windows 10 version 2004, we are introducing the concept of Hosted Apps to the Windows App Model. Hosted apps are registered as independent apps on Windows, but require a host process in order to run. An example would be a script file which requires its host (eg: Powershell or Python) to be...
  15. S

    Windows 8 Can't install PIP or Virtualenv

    I get the following error messages when trying to install PIP in my CMD Prompt. C:\cicdbuzz>pip-v 'pip-v' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. and C:\cicdbuzz>get pip-19.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external...
  16. Neemobeer

    Tutorial: Analyzing Malicious PDFs

    Hi all, in this post we will be exploring malicious PDF files and how the bad guys leverage them to infect computer systems. I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with receiving a strange email often times seemingly from a known person containing an attachment. You open it and miraculously...
  17. News

    Top Programming Languages for DevOps

    Why Go, Python, Scala, Ruby and C are excellent programming languages for DevOps teams (and why JavaScript is not). Continue reading...
  18. News

    New Year, New Dev – Windows IoT Core

    To wrap up the “New Year, New Dev” blog series, we’ll go into using Windows 10 IoT Core and show how easy it is to start developing applications to deploy on IoT devices such as the Raspberry Pi 3. If you haven’t had a chance to read the first two posts in this series, you can find them here...
  19. M

    Windows 10 Python: get PID from window handle

    hi I am trying to get PID from the foreground window, but this doesn't work because I am passing the wrong kind of handle to the function. This is under python. How do I fix this? thx! import ctypes import time time.sleep(2) handle = ctypes.windll.user32.GetForegroundWindow() print(handle)...
  20. K

    Windows 10 Python Problem

    Hey guys, I installed Python and I had some problems with running it form the console. It runs perfectly fine with IDLE 32 bit, but when I saved it and run from Python, it flashes and exit the program. I attached a video to show what's wrong.