random crashes

  1. L

    Windows 7 Browser crashes randomly

    Chrome crashes to desktop randomly. I installed Firefox but it has the same issue. I only started having this problem a couple of weeks ago (chrome used to work fine before) Any ideas? Already tried reinstalling Adobe Flash I'm using Chrome's latest version and my Os is Windows 7 Ultimate x64...
  2. shackbase

    Windows 7 BSOD after updating CPU

    I am experiencing random BSODs - some with references and some without. The references I have caught are: system_service_exeption portclssys bad_pool_header These BSODs are really random, sometimes very shortly after booting up and other times I can go hours without a crash. This started...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Professional 64 bit constant, random BSOD!

    Hi all! I've been getting many x124 errors lately, and it's been starting when I installed windows 7 professional 64-bit. I've had the same system before when I was only using the 32-bit version of windows and it was relatively stable then (only a few weeks back). I've ran memory diagnostics...
  4. B

    Windows 7 I can't figure out why certain programs keep freezing.

    I'm at my wit's end here. Sometimes the computer will randomly enter a condition where almost EVERYTHING breaks down simultaneously. Any Shockwave applications on my browser crash, iTunes crashes, sound stops playing, my gaming programs like Steam crash, and Freecell crashes too. On the other...
  5. J

    Windows 7 Blue screen in windows 7

    Hi guys you see i have a error in windows 7. i have windows 7 64 bit Here are my PC specs 4gb ram intel e2200 2.2ghz dual core Intel G35 IGP 640 HDD and my problem is that i randomly get a blue screen i get this in vista and windows 7. Here is the problem i get Problem signature...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Random Crashes- Rdyboost.sys?

    Hi everybody, I'm having a problem with a new computer I bought with Windows 7 (64bit) installed. At seemingly random points in time it will crash on me completely. I've managed to find out from a dumpfile that the likely cause of this problem is something called Rdyboost.sys I've managed to...
  7. slamscape

    Windows 7 Blue Screening 0x3b!!!

    This blue screen happens randomly and it is driving me nuts. I upgraded to windows 7 the other day from vista home premium. (both 64 bit). And not I randomly get blue screen with the stop code 0x0000003b and it also says SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. When I go into the event viewer the critical...
  8. M

    Windows 7 Random Blue Screen- Memory_Management

    I am experiencing this annoying problem and I can't figure out why. My computer will randomly get the Blue screen of death and the blue screen says it's due to MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. I am using a custom built PC: Pentium i7 @ 3.33ghz, ASUS Rampage II extreme motherboard, ATI Raedon video card, 6gb...
  9. chok

    Windows 7 Rather random BSOD's

    Hi guys. Ok, so I've had this computer for something like two weeks now. Put it together myself and the set up is as follows: Asus P5KPL SE Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 2.66GHz 1333MHz OCZ 4GB (2x2GB) Gold XTC DDR2 PC2-8500, 1066MHz Gigabyte Radeon HD4850 512MB 500GB Hitachi Deskstar P7K500 SATA-II...
  10. P

    Windows 7 0x00000124 STOP bsod memory dump

    Well as the title says, I am receiving this blue screen in windows 7. The bsods occur randomly, I have had my computer idle for 5 hours, and just 10 minutes ago it crashed, a couple of days ago the computer would crash within 10 minutes. So the crashes occur randomly. What I have tried so far...
  11. J

    Windows 7 Probs on laptop with X-64 build 7068. Gone back to build 7048.

    1) BIG BIG problem -- any time I try to connect to a WIRED LAN I get COMSURROGATE Error -- flashes too quick to capture it and then the network manager just shows the really helpful message "Unspecified error" - screen shot attached. I MUST have LAN so this is a Showstopper. Device manager...
  12. U

    Windows Vista Unistalling Vista/Replacing Vista

    Now, Im guessing you've all heard of these questions and theres probably threads on this, But I am in need of dire help. We all know Vista is flawed and more around its graphical designer rather then its functionality and I've encounterd problems such as: -Random crashing with the use of...