
  1. N

    Windows 7 Sleep is gone, and no suggested solutions work

    "Sleep" is completely gone in my shutdown menu, but none of the many "solutions" I've found all over the web actually do anything for me. The main reason none of them work is because every suggestion I've seen naively assume I've disabled it one way or another rather than it being utterly gone...
  2. W

    Windows 10 Certificate Expired (Windows Update)

    Windows defender and windows update, cer. expired. Non of the Windows apps are working , so i have uninstalled most of them , using PowerShell admin. In my opinion, most Microsoft stock apps are useless, so no big deal. However, the same can not be said for the Windows Defender. When getting...
  3. Windows 10 Windows 10 1809 Backup Help needed

    Hi, I was using File History before the 1809 update and saw it was no longer working. I do not want an image- just file and folder backups. Here are the steps I have done Removed old File History backup and restarted- same issue. Further investigation showed that I was hitting MAX PATH 256...
  4. Windows 10 Can't update Windows 10 - "Some settings are managed by your organization"

    Hello guys. Recently I've been having issues updating my Windows 10 machine. Last night I successfully updated to version 1809, but this morning when I checked if there were any new updates available I received the following message: I also have this message showing me that my feature...
  5. Windows 10 Help me install Office on another directory

    Hello so I have a 30gb SSD C drive and a 1tb hard drive as my D drive. I want to install Office on my D drive and I can't start the setup because it keeps trying to install on the C drive. How can I change this? I don't wanna mess up my registry so what can I do?
  6. Windows 10 [SOLVED] iTunes Toolbar not enabling

    Hello, I use iTunes 10.7 (the toolbar was removed in newer versions) and I have the option to enable it, but no matter how many times I click on it, it never becomes active. I have something like this (it's an internet image): I can enable/disable all but the iTunes one. I've tried...
  7. W

    Windows 10 UpdateOrchester messed up, TS is dead, Windows is dying

    Hello! i have a big problem waiting for quick solution, but spendig hours over it did not produce any solution. I needed to disable Windows Update, so I opened Task Scheduler and deleted the triggers of all tasks in UpdateOrchester directory under Windows. It would be enough to disable update...
  8. Windows 10 User login event delay in Windows 10.

    Hello, We have a user defined Appilcation to be executed after user logs in. Hence we have added it to the below path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit In that user defined application, we check for the login event. Once the user is...
  9. G

    Windows 8.1 Re-Invented Pc

    Looking for collegues to work on re-inventing Pc for design review for Microsoft. I have a good grasp on an all new project built around new binary with simplistic security features protecting preliminary keymaps registry basic runtime and other simplistic ways of protecting OS from...
  10. P

    Windows 10 How to create new context menu entry for macro-enabled workbook by editing the registry?

    I wanted to add Macro-enabled workbook to the New context menu in Windows. I got the idea of creating a "NullFile" string value from this page: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.xlsm\Excel.SheetMacroEnabled.12\ShellNew "NullFile"="" But it doesn't work. Nor does using a string value of...
  11. Windows 10 Disable Windows 10 Gamebar To Make Games Faster

    The windows 10 Gamebar ruins your game's performance! Here I have the steps to completely disable the Gamebar in Windows 10 (Any version) OK, So first go to your XBOX settings in the settings app and change the setting Record game clips,screenshots and broadcast using Gamebar to off. And now...
  12. C

    Windows 10 That Sneaky Auto Update

    When I first got my PC I got it all set up the way I liked it then created a system image. I then followed every guide I can find on the internet to disable auto update and telemetry. This worked great for about a year until today. I went to turn off my PC and boom there it was, "Restart and...
  13. KB4090007: Intel microcode updates

    Intel release updates for Spectre on 6th generation (Skylake) chips: Intel Link Removed that they have completed their validations and started to release microcode for newer CPU platforms around Spectre Variant 2 (CVE 2017-5715 (“Branch Target Injection”)). This update includes microcode...
  14. C

    Windows 7 i have 4 more of those in my registy that wont fit in screen shot,

  15. A

    Windows 10 Windows+alt+r not working

    Earlier, before i reset my laptop, i could record games using xbox but now it is saying that my pc doesn't meet the hardware requirements to record... I researched a lot and there was something called ProductOperatingSystem which i had to set to 0 from 1. This does not exist in the registry of...
  16. Windows 10 Need help changing the search bar back to transparent in Fall Creators.

    Hello everybody! I just got my custom PC upgraded to Windows 10 version 1709 from 1703, and what really bothers me is the Cortana Search bar in my taskbar. It used to be a lighter shade of my accent color earlier, and looked less distracting. Now, its dazzling white, looks like it pops out of...
  17. M

    Windows 7 Strange ?crosslink problem

    Never had this problem before :- 1) load MS spider solitaire 2) which loads but after a few seconds freezes the PC for about 5 seconds and then everything returns to normal. 3)During the freeze SS displays a completely different set of cards which return to the start set when the freeze is...
  18. J

    Windows 10 Recycle Bin default view

    Is it possible to change the default view of the Windows 10 Recycle Bin when it opens? I figure there’s settings in the Registry somewhere. I would like the default to be view by details, sorted by date, descending.
  19. P

    Windows 7 Structure of Registry: HKCR vs. HKLM; Wow6432Node branch

    I have some questions about the structure and dependencies of Registry branches. When I inspect (on 64bit Win 7) all entries of a certain program then I found two identical branches of it in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ Is the second a replication of the...
  20. R

    Windows 7 old reg hack

    some time ago I used a reg hach for sticky keys to replace my admin password. does any one recall something like that. my pc was stolen and I lost the 411 and would like to regain it