
  1. M

    Windows 7 tasklist CMD

    I would like to know is it possible to make a cmd program in #C to monitor windows processes? CMD Starts and automatically sends tasklist command every 10 seconds. If new process starts during that 10 seconds it opens TXT or another CMD windows to inform me that process name and location...
  2. News

    Savill's FAQs: Execute a PowerShell script in Windows PE

    Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today learn about using your own images to create a VM using PowerShell, wiping a disk when using the Windows PE environment, and how to execute a PowerShell script in Windows PE. Continue reading...
  3. News

    New WinDbg available in preview!

    We are excited to announce a preview version of a brand new WinDbg. We’ve updated WinDbg to have more modern visuals, faster windows, a full-fledged scripting experience, built with the easily extensible debugger data model front and center. I’ll start this by saying that WinDbg Preview is using...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Execute a Windows program from ssh (opening a veracrypt volume)

    Hi all! I'm trying to execute a program(veracrypt) to open a volume thru ssh, but i can't, I've tried the runas command.. I'm running bitvise ssh and connection with juicessh (android).. Been trying for two days, but nothing.. .. Anybody that have any suggestions?
  5. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Tutorial Suggestions

    Looking for suggestions on tutorials. Can be anything, programming, scripting, network related, 'how does <blank> work'.
  6. lard

    Windows 7 Folder contents exported

    So I guess this is probably not the right place for this, but frankly I don't know where to look! I'm trying to get a list of folder contents (preferably including sub folders), so literally just the file names, exported as a text file or csv, or something that I can manipulate the data with...
  7. P

    Windows 10 CmdPrompt (DOS batch) "timeout" from Win7 replaced by "sleep" in Win10?

    In DOS batch scripts under Windows 7 there was a function "timeout" which stops the execution for n seconds. This command seems to be replaced by "sleep" in DOS batch scripts under Win10. Is this true? Peter
  8. W

    Windows 7 process to run a refresh automatically?

    Hi folks, We use a bespoke piece of helpdesk software; unsure what's it written in but in it's own window (when active) the F9 key refreshes the list of tickets in the queue. Could someone please point me in the right direction to perhaps a piece of code or process or little application that...
  9. ragnarok1968

    NEWS Free Linux scripting book until march 15th For linux fans link to free book (PDF file) is free until March 15 Learning Linux Shell Scripting ($36 Value) FREE For a Limited Time What's it about? This book covers Bash, GNU Bourne Again...
  10. blksith0

    Windows 10 Program to either Untray or Run

    When pinning a program to the taskbar, when you launch it it runs the actual executable then the application either runs for the first time, or if it's already running but minimized to the tray, it has to handle that 2nd exe instance -> terminate the second one -> un-minimize the currently...
  11. P

    Windows 10 AUTO-Apply own Registry keys at startup? Startup.reg for Win10?

    Assume I have a bootable USB flash drive with Win10 and additiional other tools on it.. Booting it works fine. Now immediately after booting from this USB flash drive I want to AUTOMATICALLY patch/enter some customized keys resp. values into the Registry. As an example think of switching to...
  12. J

    Windows 7 Execute a Excel macro from other aplication

    Hi, I have a Excel macro that copies a specific cell value. Is posible to execute it from another application without losing the focus? Thanks in advance. Regards, Jose Luis
  13. M

    Windows 10 Python: get PID from window handle

    hi I am trying to get PID from the foreground window, but this doesn't work because I am passing the wrong kind of handle to the function. This is under python. How do I fix this? thx! import ctypes import time time.sleep(2) handle = ctypes.windll.user32.GetForegroundWindow() print(handle)...
  14. R

    Windows 7 Excel Macro

    Hi, I am trying to extract information from one program, then import it into Excel. Well, the format it is extracted is not the format that is what I need. So, I have been manually deleting all the unneeded rows. My question is there a macro or C-Plus program that can delete these rows for me...
  15. N

    Windows 7 blocking folders with icacls

    Using the command line, I would like to write a simple script that creates two folders C:\$X.~01 and C:\$X.~01 and then maybe uses the icacls command to set the permissions on both folders such that neither folder may be read, written or modified in any manner except specifically by a single...
  16. D

    Windows 7 Rename a remote system file?

    Hey all! I'm a noob at writing batch files and have written a bunch, but my latest one is an odd one. I'm actually trying to break remote machines (for security reasons) by renaming the bootmgr system file and then shutting the machines down so they can no longer boot up. My batch file will map...
  17. neocode

    Windows 10 How to integrate software in the windows?

    Hello, I'm new here, I'm wondering how I can integrate software in the Windows. For example, if I want to add an item to the context menu, in the explorer window, to send a file to an OLD folder. So, after click in «Send to Old» it would create a folder «yyyy-MM-dd - Old» in the same path of...
  18. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Hidden shortcut musings

    I was bored and decided to look at the GodMode shortcut. For those of you that don't know what that is I'll explain. It's basically a folder shortcut with a special CLSID extension. CLSID is short for Class ID. The godmode shortcut will display a lot of settings available in the Control...
  19. News

    Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 5.5 converter

    Script to convert setting to EMET 5.5 values Link Removed
  20. News

    Windows Management Framework 5.0

    Windows Management Framework 5.0 includes updates to Windows PowerShell, Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), Windows Remote Management (WinRM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Link Removed