side by side

  1. Drew

    Windows 8 FYI - When doing remote work

    Some may know this, already, some may not. This evening I fixed a problem in a computer that was in a different city than I am. The work was being done using Team Viewer. The interesting 'take-away' here is... It is possible to Copy something from my machine, URLs, command lines...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Major side by side error on Win7 x64

    Hi! I need help with big error. I'd try to install Adobe Premier Element, but i got error message "the application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect, please see application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail" After that...
  3. julio99

    Windows 7 Side by Side errors just keep piling up

    I'm running Windows 7 x64 on an Acer 8943g laptop and I like to keep it pretty tidy from errors and such so I was browsing the Event Viewer and just happened to notice that I had a pile of errors that are all of the same nature and pretty well error number. These "Side by Side" errors all seem...
  4. B

    Windows 7 Side by side configuration

    Hi, i have a problem when trying to launch some .exe files. And when i launch them i get this error "The application has failed to start becouse its side by side confoguration is incoret.... " I know that it isnt the programs foult becouse last time when i tried to run it, the programm worked...
  5. E

    Windows 7 Side by Side Configuration, HELP!!!!!

    Hello, im new to this whole forum thing & im no computer whiz so please try to write instructions in layman's terms :nerdie: ---- I play a game called IMVU, today when i tried to open it up in got the error message that the side-by-side config. was incorrect. I have no idea was a sxstrace.exe...
  6. I

    Windows 7 Newbie asking for help

    I've seen the TV commerical where the user can automatically arrange two windows side by side. I can't figure this out. Help, please. Windows 7 prof.
  7. G

    Windows 7 Side by Side configuration and Windows Installer.

    I have no idea what happened. I went to get coffee and when I came back to my computer none of my files or applications would open. If I tried to click on anything the side by side conriguration error would pop up. When I tried to open Microsoft Word or Powerpoint up it says Windows Installer...
  8. E

    Windows 7 How can I display to excel spreadsheets side by side?

    Thanks for any help.
  9. H

    Windows 7 Can not open anything I DL.

    Every single thing I DL, pops up a error message. Firefox. Java apps. IE 8. can not open. Itunes. - Not a win32 app. I DL both the 32 and 64 bit. Ran as administrator still not help. Quick time. - The application has failed to starte becasue it's side by side configration is incorrect. Please...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Side By Side Configuration?

    I am not sure if this has been brought up but I have been looking all over to fix my issue with Windows 7 not being able to run a lot of programs. When I try to open some files an error pops up saying that the Side-By-Side configuration is incorrect. Ive tried downloading different C++...
  11. anykey

    Windows 7 I want to open two instances of explorer

    Hello folks, my big concern is about what I still call File Manager or Windows Explorer. I am used to opening Explorer using WinKey+E. Yeah that still works but I like two instances open and I tile them side by side. I cannot do that now I have Win7. Or can I..??