
  1. VIDEO Zalem Didgeridoo signature - Notes comparison

  2. VIDEO How to create your own digital signature in Adobe Acrobat PDF (easy steps)

    This tutorial video shows (in easy steps) how to create your own digital signature in Adobe Acrobat PDF
  3. Windows 10 Surface Pro 5th gen question

    I recently purchased a Surface Pro 5th gen tablet, and am trying to use it for work. I have a web application for customer management, ticketing, etc, and there are certain places where a signature is required by the customer. I'm using Chrome as my browser. I can do everything I need to...
  4. L

    Driver verification signature issue on Win10 64-bit

    Hi, I try to install an unsigned driver "third-party INF doesn’t contain digital signature information" on Win 10 64-bit (UEFI BIOS Safety boot) PC. But the installation fails on Win 10. How to use veri-sign to make a signed driver , not use windows command "bcdedit" Does the third party...
  5. X

    Windows 7 Driver signature enforcement Win 7

    Hi All Expert, Good day. I have one user which is having unknown driver issue, with mouse and keyboard not being to control. The only way is through F8 disable driver signature enforcement. I have try bcdedit /set testsigning on, bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS...
  6. T

    Windows 7 How do I remove the border from a JPG file?

    I wrote my signature with a Sharpie and scanned it to a JPG file to insert into my emails. But the righthand side and bottom of the JPG file appears when I insert it. See attached screenshot. I attempted to crop it using both Paint and the Microsoft Office Picture Manager but no luck. I don't...
  7. 2

    Windows 7 Adding A Signature To MS Word 2010 Question!

    Can you please tell me how to create and add a signature to a word document?
  8. B

    Windows 8 Problem Downloading because of Signature Validation

    Hi! I'm having problems downloading a program called HOT2000 onto my laptop. Every time I go to download it this thing pops up and it sucks. I have tried restarting like it suggests and selecting and deselecting the checkmark and restarting again. I'm not sure if this is a hard problem to fix or...
  9. Z

    Windows 7 Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: rundll32.exe

    Anyone know what this is about? I get this Error message then my Win Explorer stops working. then eventually BSOD. Afterwards windows wont boot. A friend mentioned to re-install disks, however I didn't get them with this computer. anyone? Thanks ZkingD Problem signature: Problem Event Name...
  10. Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death

    Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 7a BCP1: FFFFF6FC40008FB0 BCP2: FFFFFFFFC0000185 BCP3: 00000000D0418860 BCP4: FFFFF880011F6478 OS Version: 6_1_7601 Service...
  11. Microsoft Security Advisory (2915720): Changes in Windows Authenticode Signature Verification...

    Revision Note: V1.0 (December 10, 2013): Advisory published. Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update for all supported releases of Windows to change how signatures are verified for binaries signed with the Windows Authenticode signature format. The change is included with...
  12. Microsoft Security Advisory (2915720): Changes in Windows Authenticode Signature Verification...

    Revision Note: V1.0 (December 10, 2013): Advisory published. Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update for all supported releases of Windows to change how signatures are verified for binaries signed with the Windows Authenticode signature format. The change is included with...
  13. FIX: "Send to Mail Recipient" function fails when you try to send a note or signature through Window

  14. K

    Windows 7 Cannot find the tool bar in Live Mail.

    I recently purchased a new machine with 7 pro. for one of our office secretaries. When setting up the windows live mail I could not find the tool bar for options on adding a signature. I have read several posts in other forums about where it should be or using Alt+M but none of these work. Any...
  15. Windows 8 Drivers you do and don't need

    Instinctively, you may believe that it is necessary to install drivers for your components, once you have Windows 8 up and running. This may not be the case, however, and historically has not been. If your device, whether it be a PCI card, a USB device, or even something connected to a serial...
  16. M

    Windows 7 No Boot Corrupt Rregistry file(s)

    Hello Everyone I am new to this site so if I posted this in the wrong place or this is a repeat then I do apologize. I was asked by a friend to try and fix her laptop. I don't know any of the history that lead to this problem, So trying to fix this has become a bit difficult. When trying to...
  17. S

    Windows 7 GFXUI, Data Dump, Blue Screen

    Hello. I'm hoping that someone might be able to help me. I'm not terribly good with computers and have been having a problem with my Lenovo T410 laptop. It seemed like the problem was occuring when I'd move the laptop... but sometimes it happens when it is still. The machine goes to a...
  18. D

    Windows 7 Help Needed: Troubleshooting Blue Screen Error on Windows 7

    roblem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 CCode: 3b BCP1: 00000000C0000005 BCP2: FFFFF960001660D0 BCP3: FFFFF8801B8B5D00 BCP4: 0000000000000000 OS Version: 6_1_7601 Service Pack: 1_0 Product: 256_1 This is what i...
  19. new signature

    Testing out new signature....
  20. L

    Windows 7 problems installing win 7

    i purchased a hp6000 laptop that has linux loaded on it when i try to install win 7 it keeps telling me end of cetral directory signatue not found please help!!!!