size adjustment

  1. Windows 10 Windows Scaling Question?

    Hi I'm trying to get my new computer's window size adjusted so that it looks clear. My monitor has a resolution of 3440 by 1440 and at the default 100% scaling it looks crystal clear. But of course, everything looks pretty small. If I go to display settings and increase it to 125% then...
  2. J

    Windows 8 live tiles discussion

    Hey all, I have been having some frustration here and was hoping maybe someone could help me figure this out. Perhaps this is a simple issue but its obnoxious. I love windows 8 its very nice and the intergration of small UI apps combined with the regular windows apps makes it fun to do some...
  3. V

    Windows 7 Window 7 Tweak questions....

    Just have a few questions i figured id put in one thread :D 1) How to stop the auto thumbnail of your toolbar tabs when you mouse over them. I googled about & found one that sets a mouse over delay so if you leave your mouse longer than the specified delay it pops up but sometimes at random...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Problem. Help Please.

    I installed windows 7 Pro X64 Bit version without a single problem at all but 1 thing has stopping or I may be doing it wrong so I thought I would ask here. When I have a window open and it is a small window I used to be able to shake it and the wondow would get bigger. Well when I first...