
  1. D

    Windows Vista anyone else has this trouble on install???

    install fails to "windows could not finish configuring the system. to attempt to resume configuration restart computer" i have more than enough to install this is a clean install on a 60 gig PATA HD. my pc is a P5N-E SLI asus MB.. 8800gt 512 MB video card. 2 gig pc6400 ram.. and theprocessor is...
  2. R

    Windows 7 Slide Show Themes missing

    I am running the Win 7 Beta 64 bit on a system with a 5.8 experience index. I am using two NVidia 8800 GTS video cards in SLI mode. The slide show themes are not available on my system. I have tried the registry changes for adding WinSATScore and setting it to 500, as suggested on another site...
  3. N

    Windows 7 Windows 7 and 9800 GX2 problem

    Hi All, Have someone tried to run Nvidia 9800 GX2 under Windows 7 x64? When I run games or benchmarks PC get freeze. After many attempts with drivers (currently with 180.60) I decide to disable SLI in CP and all games and benchmarks get start to work perfect but only with one core and slowly of...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Nvidia SLi ??

    I use an Nvidia N9800GX2 1gig card on my system but my mobo is for Crossfire. As the N9800GX2 incoprorates 2GPU's is this this the equivalent of an SLi configuration?? I ask this as when i go into the Nvidia Control Panel it recomends that i set it as Multi GPU mode and have done so. When using...
  5. kemical

    Windows Vista To use SLI or not use SLI?

    Hi it's coming to the time where I'll be upgrading my machine again. I already have a motherboard in mind (A Gigabyte GA-MA790X-DS4) and once the the quad 45nm AMDs are out, I'll be investing in one of those. (but only when they're releasing 2.8-3.00GHz chips) The m/b comes with enough PCIe...
  6. G

    Windows Vista Which Is Better....?

    Hi there, I'm thinking of upgrading my mobo and cpu, i currently have Asus M2n-Sli Deluxe mobo and a AMD Dual Core 6000+ 3.0Ghz, the cpu often gets very hot and causes my pc to bluescreen. I've moved my pc and it's cooler and not bluscreening but just fancy a intel processor as this AMD...
  7. A

    Windows Vista Dual NVidia GeForce Go 7950 GTX - SLI

    Hello. This is my first post here. I have a question about when the drivers for Dual NVidia GeForce Go 7950 GTX - SLI for Windows Vista will be available. My desire is Windows Vista and I'm planing to buy a notebook with dual graphics cards with Windows Vista and i want the drivers to be...