software setup

  1. Windows 10 Can I dual boot Windows 10 with Windows 10?

    Hi When the next update comes online I'd like to do a clean install, on my original C:\ drive in place of Windows 8 which won't boot anyway because the drive became Dynamic when I was messing around. I have everything on the drive backed up, I'd like to format it, partition it the way I want...
  2. P

    Windows 7 How to setup boot partition-->win 7 partition?

    In the early days of Win7 it was usual to install one Win7 system on a partition (say A) and let it be called during bootup from the partition independent MBR from the hard disk directly: MBR ---> partititon "A" (with Win7) Then it became more and more popular to install two different Win 7...
  3. E

    Windows 8 environments variable problem, they do not work!

    Hi at all, I'm a new entry in the forum. As by topic title I'have a problem with environments variable in windows 8. In practice, I installed MinGw a c/C++ compiler and when i use the command gcc from prompt it response me with the following message: gcc is not recognized as internal or...
  4. Windows 7 Play All

    I have all of my music on my D drive on my laptop and I use Foobar portable as my music player. I have foobar set up as my default player for ALL music formats (Flac, Ape, Alac, MP3...). If I go into my music folder and open a band folder (thank you microsoft for not letting me goup my 600...
  5. E

    Windows 7 Trouble with vhosts in WAMP

    Ok, I've searched far and wide (mostly in forums relating to WAMP and APACHE), but I suspect this is related to Win7, so I thought I'd try here. I've used WAMP for several years, with several vhosts set up on development machines using WinXP, then Vista, and now Win7. This *same* setup worked...
  6. Windows 7 Virtual Machines, Part Two: Snapshots, guest additions, and shared folders

    Now that you've gotten either Windows or Ubuntu - or both - installed in VirtualBox it's time to go further. This article - the second in the series on virtual machines - will teach you how to restoring virtual machines, integrate your mouse (and other guest additions), and even how to create...