A couple weeks ago my storagespace array began dropping offline intermittently. It seems to happen during file transfers, but I haven't been able to pin it down. The disk comes back online without any problems when I bring it up. I'm not really sure where to start troubleshooting this.
When I try to connect windows server 2012 by remote desktop. Showing Error: not enough storage is available to process this command. ? ....i tried: PagedPoolSize change, IRPStack but not yet solve.
Looking for a way to save/capture downloaded installation files from online set up programs such as .exe,.msi excetera rather than install them or at the very least to save the installation files for future use rather than having to go back online to download them again from their setup files...
Hi guys, I dabbled in having an Ubuntu partition on my laptop but for various reasons have decided against it, I want to delete the partition but I don't know which one it is.
Hi all,
I have 2 drives, an SSD and a hard drive.
Windows is installed on my SSD, but I moved my documents folder to my hard drive in order to save space on my SSD.
This worked fine, but my hard drive is showing problems and I wanted to move my documents back to my SSD in preparation for when I...
My F: drive has disappeared.
When I go into This PC it is not there.
When I try to receive a file (e.g. a Word file) I get an error message that it cannot retrieve the file because the F: drive is missing.
Any ideas?
Thank you
As you known there are many sofwtare tools available which offer not only a setup.exe but an ISO to download.
This ISO can either be burned on a CD/DVD or put onto an USB Flash drive.
I am NOT talking about Win10 ISO images but other software like (examples):
- Gparted GParted -- Live...
I have many files in the Downloads Folder that I need to Delete, but cannot. I keep getting this same error when I try to delete the files. I tried copying the files I need to one of the partitions, which was successful, but still cannot delete any of the files.
Hi everyone
Was wondering if anyone can help me with this problem, of moving files off a c: drive to a network drive.
So at work we have a machine that outputs .txt files now as an example these files include data about ..pets so in the folder I have hundreds of files that are named similar to...
The goal is to offer not only primary storage, but also high-performance compute, backup, disaster recovery, encryption and mobility.
Continue reading...
The company previewed the new Mac Pro at its annual developer conference on Monday. The new machine has casing that looks like a cheese grater that can be lifted off to swap out components including storage drives, memory chips and the graphics processor.
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Hi all,
I'm currently in the process of moving over from MacOS to Windows. While it has not been a problem-free experience (is there really no affordable and user-friendly ref manager for Windows?) I'm generally satisfied with my machine.
Thing is, though, that just now that I have everything...
I have always used Macs and now want a simple desktop for office related tasks like spreadsheets, printing documents and music.
Here are the two options
Lenovo - IdeaCentre A340-22IGM 21.5" Touch-Screen All-In-One - Intel Pentium Silver - 4GB Memory - 1TB Hard Drive
Link Removed
I'm building a new computer, ill make this question quick.
Should I install a fresh copy of windows on my SSD that I'm reusing from my old computer, or just let it be? Should I wipe the drive completely and redownload everything? I know it doesn't really make a difference, but since I'm using...
Could you please tell me why disc 0 shows as partition(2) and if it should be fixed, how to do so?
I do have an image I can recover if necessary.
Thank you