
  1. How to easily clean an infected computer

    Hi! Sense we don't have a malware team here on the forum, here's some great tools you can use to clean a infected PC. I have used all of them and they get the job done. Rather then me listing the software, this link does the job for me!;);) Please add any programs that you use and recommend. If...
  2. G

    How can i learn Windows Server 2012

    Can someone please please give me some links that someone teaches server 2012? I know must of you will say Youtube, but its all scattered on youtube and most of the youtubers just made couple videos and then stopped doing it. I need the complete course.
  3. VIDEO Paddy and Scott's barista training school

  4. The Ops Team #009 - "Egg-volution" | The Ops Team

    The Ops Team is a weekly show where 4 Technical Evangelists specializing in IT Operations get together to give you the deets on their 4 areas of expertise: Microsoft Azure/Cloud, On-premises datacenter technologies, Enterprise Mobility / Windows and DevOps. This week on The Ops Team, Matt...
  5. Microsoft Band 2: Monitoring Current Segment Pace Instead of Overall Average Pace

    Microsoft Band 2 defaults to monitoring overall average pace on the main activity screen for Runs. If you're in training, or are just wanting to improve, change this. read more Continue reading...
  6. Introducing Visual Studio Dev Essentials | Connect(); // 2015

    Visual Studio Dev Essentials is a new free developer offering from Microsoft. A free membership to this program gives you access to a range of benefits including developer tools and services, training and support. This video provides an overview of some key benefits, including Visual Studio...
  7. VIDEO Secret Wing Chun self-defense tips

  8. VIDEO GoingNative 43: Talks and Tips from the Experts at CppCon 2015! | C9::GoingNative

    Ever wish there were a way to condense the entire CppCon 2015 into less than an hour? Well, realistically speaking, there may not be a way to really do that, but we hope this month's episode comes close! CppCon 2015 was packed to the brim with all sorts of great content, great people, and great...
  9. VIDEO How To Be A Crossfitter

    :razz::rofl: Some adult language and subject matter :eek:
  10. VIDEO If CrossFitters Took a Yoga Class

  11. VIDEO Are Good Singers Born Or Made?

  12. Last Week on Channel 9: September 28th - October 4th, 2015

    Now that was a week! Not only are 27 (Yeah, 27) select shows, posts and episodes highlighted below we had four other important milestones that week. AzureCon 2015 A one day virtual event all abut Azure, with a great deal of announcements Windows 10 development for absolute beginners Bob...
  13. VIDEO Wing Chun - Can "Soft" Structure Really Stop Hard & Powerful Attacks?

  14. VIDEO Two Hand Wrist Grab Defense


  16. VIDEO The Truth Behind Traditional Chinese Kung Fu | China Uncensored

  17. Last Week on Channel 9: March 16th - March 22nd, 2015

    The big news of last week were the three different events from around the world... Link Removed Join Scott Klein and his guests Shawn Bice, Nigel Ellis, and Rohan Kumar LIVE each month on SQL Unplugged, your avenue for chatting with the three individuals who own the relational database at...
  18. Countdown to Ignite: The One About Getting Certified and Not-To-Miss Places in Chicago |...

    Link Removed and Link Removed discuss Microsoft Certification—and how you can get certified at Microsoft Ignite in Chicago. In Episode 3 of the Countdown Show, they explain the basics of taking certification exams at Ignite, and the special discounted price (see below) exclusively for attendees...
  19. TWC9: TouchDevelop Opens, Microsoft Helps Create Node.js Foundation, Git Training, ngrok...

    This week on Channel 9, Jeremy and guest host Jason Short discuss the week's top developer news, including; Link Removed Link Removed [Michał Moskal],, Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed [Gianugo Rabellino] Link Removed The Developer’s Guide to the...
  20. Last Week on Channel 9: January 26th - Feburary 1st, 2015

    Here are just 14 of the many shows published last week... Link Removed Have you ever looked at your code and thought that if you could JUST get it organized and versioned properly, you would be better off? Traditionally, version control meant you had to install some kind of server-based...