If Microsoft's hotfix didn't solve your lockup program, one reader's unconventional approach just might. Hint: there's a USB hub involved.
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I've had a 7 port rosewill usb hub connected to my computer for about a year now, and all of a sudden the other night it stopped working. Windows will no longer recognize it, and calls it an unknown device. It gives me the error 43, but so far uninstalling the usb devices hasn't seemed to work...
well i have bought this EnVivo Networking USB hub. and i have this problem.
i connect to it without any issues an i see the usb devices hooked up to it however when i try to connect to the devices it says:
USB Server Bus does not exist.
i have read around and this seems to be a problem...
I am having a very unusual problem with 5 drivers on my laptop.
Alienware M17x
Windows7 x64
Everytime I restart my computer, there are 5 specific drivers that don't start when the system starts. This noticeably started when several Windows Updates installed and required restarts. All driver...
Hope this hasn't been covered to death. I searched extensively and couldn't find quite the same problem.
I installed Win7 x64 Ultimate over the weekend. I previously had Beta & RC as a dual boot in addition to XPx64. I'm now running Win7 alone, though I have the HDD with XPx64 set aside...
action center
asus motherboard
driver issues
evga video card
hp dvd drive
intel cpu
media storage
ram issues
safe mode
seagate hdd
startup issue
system hang
system recovery
tv tuner card
uac settings
user account control
windows 7
Hey guys,
I'm looking for a USB hub that won't lose any power when a device is connected to it. For example, I want my iPod, sound card, and headset to all have full power when connected to it. It needs to be at least four ports.
Could anyone help me choose one?
Hey all, I got Windows 7 ultimate 64bit from microsoft technet. Everything is working fine except for the USB ports in the back of my computer, when i go to device manager I get the error: Code 43Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43), I have tried the...
Hello. I am new here. I recently installed windows 7 32 bit RC on a asus nvidia 6150 system w/ Athlon 64 4200+ cpu and 2GB memory. It's running well. I also have a logitech USB bluetooth transiever and a USB hub w/ an ipod connected. The windows Sync center keeps popping up for no apparant...
32 bit
adobe reader
athlon 64
hp printer
office xp
software issues
sync center
user experience
windows 7
Hey! I'm new here and just installed Windows 7 today! It looks great and functions really well, but I have a big problem that if I don't solve it I have to install Vista again. The problem is that all the USB inputs on the computer aren't working ... I can't use my mouse I can't use anything...
code 19
computer help
device manager
hardware issue
new user
tech support
usb devices
windows 7