
  1. B

    Windows 10 Help with VBA Web Queries Excel

    In Excel, i have a Userform. On this Userform is a Command Button, and a Label. When i click the Command Button, i want excel to perform a web query, and then put the output into the caption of the label. The web query is simply a .txt document on a webserver, containing one line of text...
  2. AA20-227A: Phishing Emails Used to Deploy KONNI Malware

    Original release date: August 14, 2020 Summary This Alert uses the MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK®) framework. See the ATT&CK for Enterprise framework for all referenced threat actor techniques. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)...
  3. Windows 8 Registry names and paths

    Hello Its the very first time I am posting here as I just registered. So please redirect me to the correct forum section of the forum if it is not appropriate for this query. My question is: "Do the names and paths of the registry keys changed from windows version to version and PC to PC?" I...
  4. Windows 7 Need know where to start and with what language for a standalone windows program

    I have an inventory spreadsheet that is excel based and written in with VBA that want to make a standalone executable. The spreadsheet uses userforms for input and then transfers the input data to a diaphragm/floor plan, indicating what is in what room. I would like suggestions on what...
  5. E

    Windows Server Launching Putty from Excel

    Hi, I have a Excel spreadsheet with hostnames in column A. I have added this macro so that I can doubleclick to launch Putty to log on a given host with ssh: Code: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row) <> Empty...
  6. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 prof 64 bit update creating problems

    On last Feb 7th I got a WIn 7 critical update; as usual, the updating process started at shut down and lasted many hours. At the following system startup, which also lasted long, I experienced a lot of malfunctions, even when using system functions as Computer Resources, or EXCEL and VBA...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Calling ActiveX dll

    [Crossposted from Windows 7 forum] I have a commercial program with an interface intended to allow certain aspects to be run automatically by an external program written by the user. This interface consists of an ActiveX dll. Functions in it can be called from a Visual Basic 6 or VBA program...
  8. A

    Office 2010 Tool: Compatibility Inspector

    Overview: File Size 2.2mb Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI): Link Removed
  9. M

    Windows 7 VBA write to registry Win 7

    I am not able to figure out how to write to the registry in VB or VBA. I tried using the windows APi and WS.Script, both work in the XP environment, but not Win7 I just need to create a key and set the key value. MY current code I am using can read the key if I manually create it. I have read...
  10. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 and Windows XP compatibiltiy issues

    Hello everyone. I dont know if I am posting in the right section. If not, I apologize. Since the office that I work at has been using more and more VBA, there has been lots of issues where code that is written in 7 is not able to run properly on XP. I noticed that if I open up the script in XP...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Unable to read, copy or write to http including SharePoint

    I feel like a fish out of water on this issue. We are calling a legacy VBA function in Access 2010 to try to read filed information about files saved to our SharePoint site. When this code is run in Access 2010 running on Windows XP the function identifies the file and indicates that the file...
  12. "Type Mismatch" error message when you run a VBA macro in a 64-bit version of an Office 2010 applica

    Fixes a "Type Mismatch" error message that occurs when you run a VBA macro in a 64-bit version of an Office 2010 application. This issue affects VBA macros that run correctly in 32-bit versions of Office applications. More...
  13. C

    Windows 7 Shortcuts for VBA defined macros do not work

    Can’t get shortcuts to call up certain macros. All macro’s can be executed from Menu>Developer>Macros. Shortcuts for simple insert commands such as date & time are okay!! Shortcuts for simple VBA-defined macros do not work!!. Is there an option that needs to be set? Chuck Win 7 x64 SP1
  14. F

    Windows 7 FTP Problem on New PC

    I have the following FTP code which works perfectly on my one PC at the office. I have just been given a new PC and when running the macro run time error 440 "unable to wait for process" The following code is highlighted wsh.Run FTPcommand, 5, True I am using Office 2010 and...
  15. Windows 7 Strange message every time I open Microsoft Word?

    Hi I started getting this message box every time I open anything in Microsoft Word even an empty page. I have no idea what it is talking about or how to get rid of it. Anyone know what this is all about...
  16. J

    Alternative to Microsoft Anna

    Has anyone had experience replacing the Microsoft Anna voice with one or more purchased voices? My sound application (meant for entertainment) using Access and Visual Basic for Applications that I began developing on a Windows XP PC worked satisfactorily with the three XP voices. Now under...
  17. Windows 7 64-Bit Office 2010 Client Installation Resources Download From Microsoft

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Microsoft is providing free resources designed to streamline the adoption of the 64-bit (x64) version of Office 2010. Essentially, customers looking to deploy 64-bit Office 2010 can download a client installation porter, available for free from the Redmond company in...
  18. L

    Windows 7 Regarding VBA in Windows7

    HI , This is KK from Portland , i work as an Validation Engineer , and i validate chips. In my job i do lot of machine automation using VBA . My question to the forum User is anyone tried VB6 or VBA on windows 7 , and how is the experience. Since we are small level company we are thinking to...