Hoi, nieuwe Dell met windows 7 erop, ik heb het probleem dat ik wanneer ik de computer uit stdby haal ik geen geluid meer heb. Als ik de computer dan opnieuw opstart dan heb ik weer wel geluid en ik geloof dat ik het elke keer kwijt ben nadat de comp in stdby is geweest.
wat zou dit kunnen...
Dear community,
i am expierencing some problems with my computers Line-In. I have installed a tv card, where i have to tunnel the output of the tv card to the Line-In of my computer. So far so good.
But now the problem is, the tv-card always produces a disturbing noise when DSCALER (app. I use...
Volume Mixer in Windows 7 is very very annoying. I have been trying to disable it due to the issues it causes when playing games and running Ventrilo at the same time, or multiple programs at the same time. I have set the Volume Mixer to give both the game and Ventrilo or the accompanying...
audio configuration
audio control
audio issues
background audio
game audio
game settings
ghost bar
muffled audio
muting issues
sound preferences
sound settings
volume management
windows 7
windows media player