
  1. Windows 10 Reoccurring ntkrnlmp.exe BSOD

    I keep getting a BSOD nearly everyday and when I analyze it using WhoCrashed, the cause is always ntkrnlmp.exe. The unexpected error is different for each crash though. This happens when i'm on the computer and when the computer is idle, even when no intensive software's are running. I have...
  2. J

    Windows 7 BSOD - Help

    Hi, I hope i have this right. I am getting the BSOD several times a day now. I have hopefully attached the relevant files for someone to look at and hopefully help. I'm not that great with computers and the "WhoCrashed" or "Bluescreen" software i downloaded doesn't seem to find a crash log. I...
  3. M

    Windows 7 BSOD 1e error code while playing games

    Hello everyone! First off I'm going to tell you guys and girls that I'm not the computer smart. When it comes to cars, I'm your right hand man, but computer not so much! (Yea i understand the basics of virus protection and what to and not to download) Today while playing Star Wars The Old...
  4. D

    Windows 7 BSOD for fresh install Windows 7 during SP1

    Greetings, I've just made a new fresh install of Windows 7 - 64bits (legal version). Everything was fine, all drivers were up to date. But, when I install updates from Windows Update, during the installation of the SP1 (when the screen is "do not turn off the computer"), the computer reboots...
  5. S

    Windows 7 BSOD at startup.

    I am getting BSOD at every start up but when I restart my pc again then BSOD disappears.Link Removed - Invalid URL I am experiencing this problem past 2 months.first I thought it was one of my ram module but removing it did not help.after using whocrashed,I found out that this problem is...
  6. J

    Windows 7 Persistent BSODs with various BC Codes

    Hello All, I've had my Asus N53SM-E72 for a few weeks now and have been getting persistent BSODs. I installed an additional 8gb of RAM before I used the computer for the first time (2x4gb) and after the first round of BSODs I ran memtest and realized that the 2gb stick which came with the...
  7. A

    Windows 7 BSOD super pissed off

    hi there ppl i am suffering from BSOD for no apparent reason, i have run whocrashed but i dont get a definative answer i please require your help
  8. R

    Windows 7 Oh, joyous BSOD.

    Firstly, I am not that great with this kind of stuff so dumb it down please! :razz: I was gaming, like I usually do and decided to go make lunch and when I came back I had a blue screen. The past three days whenever I let my computer Idle it ends up blue screening, but whenever I run...
  9. A

    Windows 7 First BSOD on Vaio

    Hi everyone! I logged into my laptop today and discovered this: Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 1000009f...
  10. A

    Windows 7 BSOD

    I recently got a new SSD and had the Micro Center install it and it's been running fine. I also got the Logitech wireless desktop and mouse combo MK710. A few days later I decided to try over-clcoking my Geforce 470 and it worked for a while then crashed and I've been trying to get all of the...
  11. S

    Windows 7 BSOD can you help me ?

    Since i have bought this ACER desktop i have had several crashes. The helpdesk of ACER only sent documentation how to restore a complete Windows7. With the program WhoCrashed.exe I found two possible problem files: hall.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. Following the last file I found this site for help...
  12. Z

    Windows 7 Occasional ntoskrnl BSOD

    I've been battling this one since I built this system in late October. Since then, the machine suffers a BSOD, approximately once every two days; although it has gone as long as nine days in between. There is no obvious theme to what the machine is doing when the crash occurs. It has...
  13. P

    Windows 7 Multiple BSOD's

    Hi, I have been recieving multiple BSOD's since I had a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate 64, I used to have W7U 32 bit but a had an extreme number of BSOD's and I thought that maybe because i had 4 gb of ram and it wasnt all being used is why i had so many issue. I have been using the...
  14. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 BlueScreen Errors 1A and 24

    Hi all, I've recently been having problems with BlueScreen errors on my Windows 7 x64 system. The system itself is brand-new, being less than 3 months old. My first one came up randomly and was listed as MEMORY_ERROR. I've ran Window's memory test, as well as memtest, and those results...
  15. J

    Windows 7 BSOD on hibernating in Windows 7

    Hello, I run Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and I'm having BSODs when I put the machine in hibernation or in sleep mode with hybrid sleep activated (the latter means hibernation takes place along with sleep). Mind you I haven't had any other problems with my setup and I can use the sleep function...
  16. Windows 7 I'm getting sick and tired of random BSOD crashes, even when IDLE.

    I don't even remember when this problem started, it's been a while My windows, drivers and everything are up to date. What pisses me off the most is that this happens when I'm gaming for an extended period of time, I tried monitoring my hardware temperature using my G15 LCD and none of my...
  17. Windows 7 Great Win7 Diagnostics Utility

    WhoCrashed has been updated to include Windows 7! It gives detailed information on what caused a crash. Get it at WhoCrashed Explains Why Your Windows PC Crashed - Troubleshooting - Lifehacker :p