windows xp

  1. O

    Windows 7 INF file

    Hello I am using windows 7 64 bit and I share the my printer over network another PC with XP 32 bit, I am trying to install the printer but its required the driver INF file How I share the INF file with the printer?
  2. N

    Windows 10 unable to reset Dual Boot

    Hi, In the beginning I had XP installed and then Win7 in dual boot. Dual boot I could not undo and upgraded Win7 to Win10. After a Win10 crash, I couldn't do any repair. I reinstalled Win10 on another partition. My question is if I can just delete the older versions and just keep working with...
  3. C

    Windows XP XP for an offline computer

    I have an old Acer computer that I would like to run for 5 different things in Windows XP. My biggest interest is shown in the image. It's a telescope mirror analysis program which is called FigureXP. I have an XP install disk on the way. Most of the time the computer will not be on and I can...
  4. Aaron Bewza

    VIDEO Windows XP Shutdown and Logoff Menus for modern Windows

    Hi, I'm Aaron Bewza and I rebuilt the Windows XP Luna shutdown and logoff dialog menus, because XP is 20 years old this year plus I've had a bit of interest in this while I was building it so I'd like to share it with you. I coded it completely ground-up in AHK (Autohotkey) and it's quite close...
  5. Gaogier

    Windows 10 Back to windows - confused - wake on lan to resolution

    Hello so I haven't used windows really since 2006, being a Mac user, but a huge fan of gaming, but fed up with having to buy the latest consoles every couple years... Xbox 360 original, 360 slim... xbox one to Xbox s/x and now the Xbox series gen. So I got my holiday money for 2020 summer...
  6. Rich73Kelly

    Windows 10 Adobe Photoshop Elements/album 2.0

    I am not sure where to post this so, admin, please move if need be. Hi all, ... I purchased "Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 plus Photoshop Album 2.0" back in like, 2004 for $130 from Best Buy when I bought my XP machine new. At that time, our phones weren't capable of taking decent photos, if at...
  7. U

    Windows 7 If I'm using Win7 in XP Emulation mode, can the software still see the extra memory?

    Dear Anyone. I prob. don't know what I'm talking about here, so feel free to tell me! I've got music composition software that was really designed for Windows XP 32-bit, but I'm used to it and want to try to keep on using it. Thing IS - it kept crashing when using posher instruments and I'm...
  8. A

    vbox to see a external hdd as a drive in the guest

    Hi, I have attached a HDD to my Ubuntu host computer, I am running virtual box with windows xp in it, I would like to get XPto view the connected HDD as a HD and not tjust a shared folder, is there any way I can do this? Thanks advance.
  9. R

    Windows 10 SMBv1 logon problem on Windows 10 after reactivation

    I have two connected laptops standing side by side. One is running Windows 10, the other Windows XP. I need XP for some applications, and I am unable to convert them to Windows 10. Until recently I shared the disks of both machines using a LAN connection, allowing me to access the Windows 10...
  10. A

    Windows XP Nightmare making XP custom install disc

    Hi, I previously used Nlite to make a custom xp install with the sp3 slipstream feature, it also let me install drivers for the sata drive. Upon installation I had a variety of issues like missing files. Anyway today I wanted to just make a original xp disc using the driver packs software...
  11. A

    Ubuntu USB driver with persistance storage

    Hi, Does anyone know if I installed ubuntu 20.04 onto a usb device with the above intention, can I install a virtual box and use win xp in that? It wold need to run a usb device used to plug into the car for mechanical diagnostic purposes. Link Removed
  12. A

    Windows XP WinXP in VBox internet for google but nothing else?

    Hi, I have finally got around to trying to use the software I Wanted to use in winxp however as the software has a virus in it I wanted to install a virus checker first, however despite the vbox giving it internet access, I can only seem to access which does work because I can put a...
  13. A

    Windows XP Will XP run on a SSD?

    I wanted to buy an SSD for my Dell Latitude D630 as the HDD is apparently failing. MY brother says I might have driver issues using XP with a SSD, is this true?
  14. A

    Windows XP Cannot change drive letter of system reserved partition??

    Hi, I finally got xp installed to my laptop, however, I have run into a problem. The software I want to install is designed to only be installed to the C:\ partition, it will not let me choose another drive to install to and I cannot install to C:\ becauase there is not enough space to install...
  15. A

    Windows XP XP error message

    I wanted to install win xp pro onto a Del latitude laptop D630 which originally had vista installed. I however came across this error message, is there anything I can do?
  16. K

    Windows XP Installing windows xp on vista computer

    Hi, I have been given a windows laptop: intel pentium Compaq Presario A900 Notebook, 32 bit. It is running windows vista, but I specifically want windows xp for a program that I have that will only work on windows xp and no other operating system. I am not interested in using it for anything...
  17. T

    Windows 7 modify inf files driver

    Hello, I happen to have a driver that only installs on XP. I want to be able to install it on Windows 7 x86, but it's not possible, since it doesn't recognize it. Do you know which part of the .inf I have to modify in order to install it? PD: I have done a compatibility installation and...
  18. U

    Windows XP 2 versions of XP on hard drive how to tell which one's being used?

    Dear Anyone. OK, so this is one of those questions where I'm going to feel a total plonker for not spotting the answer myself, so there's no need to point that fact out to me! Hard drive with 2 versions of XP on it. One version won't install my software - a VST synth - it comes up with...
  19. R

    virtualisation, Not sure if in right place

    I just got a different laptop, this laptop has Intel Core i3 CPU. I am almost done with a Desktop Computer with used parts and I have to wait until the third of June,that is when I get paid, it will have a motherboard with an Intel Core 2 Quad. I actually have 2 questions, first is, Azure will...
  20. ExclusiveWF

    Windows 10 Windows 10 on Toshiba Qosmio F10 (Intel Pentium M735 CPU)

    I have an old Toshiba Qosmio F10 15" Laptop from 2004 with Intel Pentium M735 1.7ghz and 2GB ram. As far as I know, I can install only Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and maybe Windows 8, didn't tried. I know that I can install Linux that is 10x better on this old machine, but I would...