Windows 8 Ad Blocking, I'm giving it a try!


Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

In another post I advised against installing Adblock because of some negative messages I found on some other forums, along with people asking how to get rid of it, and treating it like malware.

But I also found people who liked it.

So I reconsidered, I installed it and uninstalled it and found no problems in getting rid of it.

Then I installed it again, and I also installed a app called Keep My Opt Outs that is supposed to stop tracking cookies which I delete by the hundreds every few days.

I'm going to be the trial horse and see if these programs cause any problems and if they work.

I'll report back after I spend some time with them and let you know how I feel about them in a week or so.

I'm sure that like me there are a lot of people who get tired of having a window pop up right in the middle of what every they are doing.

I can report that right now there are no ads showing on my Chrome page.
We'll see what happens.


Just came back for a quick comment.
While Adblock seems to work fine, I'm not seeing that the extension "Keep My Opt Outs" is having any effect.

I'm seeing just as many Cookies when I run SuperAntiSpyware and CCleaner as I did before.
While the software shows a long list of sights that it is supposedly protecting me against, they don't seem to be ones that I view.

This morning when I ran SuperAntiSpyware it showed 56 cookies and that's since yesterday.

For me the best thing about Adblock is the fact that it get rid of the adds.

I really don't care about the advertising on web pages, as long as it isn't in Popup Windows I'm fine with it, but I don't like to have to sit through the ads to watch every video I open.
