The recent (today) Adobe update 9.13 fixes this problem. I'm using Windows 7 and IE8 with no compatibility mode and no problems now that I've updated.
I tried unchecking the "display in browser", but didn't work for my PDF files of my W2 and pay stub. I worked around it by unchecking that box, copying the URL to the PDF itself (it would pop up for about 1/2 a second and go away), then pasting that URL into a normal IE window and it would load in the regular Adobe Reader program. After the update, it loads in the browser with no problem.
Also I wanted to mention there is a lot of bad info on this site and nobody corrects it. Not sure why... This is the 2nd time I've came across this site looking for Windows 7 issues and the 2nd time I've seen bad info that wasn't corrected.
An example is this little piece:
Just curious why there are still people using IE? The release of windows 7 and SP2 for Vista will ( hopefully ) remove IE and be replaced with firefox 3 as the default browser for Windows. Is there any real reason for using ( unless developing ) IE, Opera, etc... ( Installed FF from day one and have had no problems at all. I do get an error message from adobe reader, but once closed the browser and the pdf ( online or local ) opens just fine. Not trying to be smut here, but just trying to get an idea of why people are so interested in getting WLM, adobe, etc working with IE8 when it is going bye bye?
I have had WLM installed since day 1 and I have never had a problem with it.. Truthfully though I do not have that many apps installed on my machine. I have what I need and if I don't use it in two weeks it is gone.
Why would Microsoft stop including THEIR browser and include someone else's? That is like saying Apple will stop including Safari with the newest update of OSX and replace it with IE... Must be a reasonable guess since nobody corrects info like this. Oh and BTW, Vista SP2 is out and no sign of Firefox.
IE8 on Windows 7 is leaps and bounds ahead of IE8 on Vista/XP and previous IE versions. FF never really caught on with me, Opera is way better IMO.
Just my 2¢ about what I've seen on this site.
I know there has to be good info lurking around (like my post here, which should fix this Adobe issue), but both times I've come to this site from the top result in Google, it reminds me of a "ricer" forum where some guy makes outrageous claims and everyone believes it as fact. If it keeps up like that, people will get frustrated and avoid the site when it comes up on their searches (God knows I skip plenty of forums on Google searches).
Also, bloatware hasn't bothered me since around the time XP came out because now-a-days computers are more than fast enough with plenty of storage space. 3rd party solutions usually bring their own issues with them, which is tolerable when the 1st party solution is bunk (like the old Adobe issue here) or not available, but what happens when Adobe issues updates to the PDF standard and your 3rd party developer has left? I've come across that countless times since the beginning of the PC.
Figured I'd hopefully give people some good info if this thread comes up on their search.
-Big Daddy Kane
-A+ Certified