Windows 7 Adobe Reader 9 browser plug-in doesn't work


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2009
I installed Adobe Reader 9 but the browser plug-in will not work with IE8 or Opera 10 Alpha. Since the problem occurs in both browsers, there must be some incompatibility with the Adobe Reader 9 browser plug-in and Windows 7 Beta. I did try a repair install of Adobe Reader 9, but that made no difference.

In Opera I found I can choose to open with the default program AcroRd32.exe which will open the pdf in a separate instance of Adobe Reader instead of within the browser using the Adobe Acrobat plug-in. I would prefer that pdf's I download open in the browser window. This works in Vista SP1 and XP SP3 with Opera 9.63.

I have not tried to find a solution for IE8, but at any rate I would like the browser plug-in to work.

I still haven't made any headway with this. This is with the latest version of Adobe Reader 9, on Windows 7 Build 7000 32-bit, on a ThinkPad T42. In Adobe Reader preferences I have tried turning off \"Fast web view\" and \"Allow speculative downloading in the background\", while leaving \"Display PDF in browser\" enabled. I have tried compatibility mode in W7b as Vista and XP.

I get the following dialog box when I try downloading a pdf in either browser (IE8 or Opera 10):
Link Removed due to 404 Error

My searches in Google so far have not turned up anything. This is the third forum I have posted this problem to and no one using Windows 7 has anything to say.

Here is one of the PDF's I have tried to view:
Link Removed...
Foxit PDF brings up a page in IE and does not download it. for me anyway.

Try this link and see if it opens even though it says download pdf

Link Removed

Again.....Adobe Acrobat Reader = bloatware.

I got them to open in my browsers (IE and Opera) for a time, but eventually it just broke. Now I download and open without using the browser plug-in. Works well enough I guess.

For IE, open Adobe Reader and uncheck box "Display PDF's in browser" (Edit > Preferences > Internet). For Opera, choose Open with default application: AcroRd32.exe instead of Use plug-in: Adobe Acrobat (Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Downloads, and uncheck box "Hide file types opened with Opera", then type pdf in search box, highlight pdf, then click on Edit, choose "Open with default application").
Nice. I disabled the plug in for firefox and now it works.

I take online quizes using Adobe and Adobe is the only PDF reader than can send back my scores for some reason. I'm going to be downloading Foxit after this semester:)

I still haven't made any headway with this. This is with the latest version of Adobe Reader 9, on Windows 7 Build 7000 32-bit, on a ThinkPad T42. In Adobe Reader preferences I have tried turning off \"Fast web view\" and \"Allow speculative downloading in the background\", while leaving \"Display PDF in browser\" enabled. I have tried compatibility mode in W7b as Vista and XP.

I get the following dialog box when I try downloading a pdf in either browser (IE8 or Opera 10):
Link Removed due to 404 Error

My searches in Google so far have not turned up anything. This is the third forum I have posted this problem to and no one using Windows 7 has anything to say.

Here is one of the PDF's I have tried to view:
Link Removed due to 404 Error

Am I the only one experiencing this? Can everyone else view pdf files in IE8 or Opera 10?
I also had the same problem. I finally solved it by running my browser in Vista compatibility mode.

I also had the same problem. I finally solved it by running my browser in Vista compatibility mode.

That's strange, i'm running W7 RC (7100) x64 with Firefox 3.0.10 and Adobe Reader 9.1 (no compat modes on anything) and i could see all PDFs I opened until now in the browser just fine, including the one posted above.

Glad it's working fine for me ofc but it's weird why you guys are having problems... Can anyone link me another PDF that they cannot see in Firefox using Adobe Reader so I can try it out plz?

No rhyme or reason

That's strange, i'm running W7 RC (7100) x64 with Firefox 3.0.10 and Adobe Reader 9.1 (no compat modes on anything) and i could see all PDFs I opened until now in the browser just fine, including the one posted above.

Glad it's working fine for me ofc but it's weird why you guys are having problems... Can anyone link me another PDF that they cannot see in Firefox using Adobe Reader so I can try it out plz?

It really seems like a hit or miss thing for me. Since I started running the browser in compatibility mode it seems to work *most* of the time.

You can try this link: Link Removed.
On that page click on the PDF link which will open a window; in the window click "Create chart" to create a PDF report. I tried it 3 times just now - it worked 2 out of 3 times for me. Go figure.

It really seems like a hit or miss thing for me. Since I started running the browser in compatibility mode it seems to work *most* of the time.

You can try this link: Sieur Charles Michel De Langlade b. May 1729 Michilimackinac, , MIchigan, USA d. 26 Jul 1801 Green Bay, , Wisconsin, USA: Our Family Genealogy Pages.
On that page click on the PDF link which will open a window; in the window click \"Create chart\" to create a PDF report. I tried it 3 times just now - it worked 2 out of 3 times for me. Go figure.

Well just tried that link here and worked all times (tried 4 times total). Weird :)

I tried your solution, and sure enough I was able to open my link in IE8 ONCE! I then tried to open it in Opera 10 without success. I tried in IE8 again and I got the same error I was getting previously.

Adobe reader works fine in IE8 just make sure you download it as Vista compatibility .

The recent (today) Adobe update 9.13 fixes this problem. I'm using Windows 7 and IE8 with no compatibility mode and no problems now that I've updated.

I tried unchecking the "display in browser", but didn't work for my PDF files of my W2 and pay stub. I worked around it by unchecking that box, copying the URL to the PDF itself (it would pop up for about 1/2 a second and go away), then pasting that URL into a normal IE window and it would load in the regular Adobe Reader program. After the update, it loads in the browser with no problem.


Also I wanted to mention there is a lot of bad info on this site and nobody corrects it. Not sure why... This is the 2nd time I've came across this site looking for Windows 7 issues and the 2nd time I've seen bad info that wasn't corrected.

An example is this little piece:

Just curious why there are still people using IE? The release of windows 7 and SP2 for Vista will ( hopefully ) remove IE and be replaced with firefox 3 as the default browser for Windows. Is there any real reason for using ( unless developing ) IE, Opera, etc... ( Installed FF from day one and have had no problems at all. I do get an error message from adobe reader, but once closed the browser and the pdf ( online or local ) opens just fine. Not trying to be smut here, but just trying to get an idea of why people are so interested in getting WLM, adobe, etc working with IE8 when it is going bye bye?

I have had WLM installed since day 1 and I have never had a problem with it.. Truthfully though I do not have that many apps installed on my machine. I have what I need and if I don't use it in two weeks it is gone.

Why would Microsoft stop including THEIR browser and include someone else's? That is like saying Apple will stop including Safari with the newest update of OSX and replace it with IE... Must be a reasonable guess since nobody corrects info like this. Oh and BTW, Vista SP2 is out and no sign of Firefox.

IE8 on Windows 7 is leaps and bounds ahead of IE8 on Vista/XP and previous IE versions. FF never really caught on with me, Opera is way better IMO.

Just my 2¢ about what I've seen on this site.

I know there has to be good info lurking around (like my post here, which should fix this Adobe issue), but both times I've come to this site from the top result in Google, it reminds me of a "ricer" forum where some guy makes outrageous claims and everyone believes it as fact. If it keeps up like that, people will get frustrated and avoid the site when it comes up on their searches (God knows I skip plenty of forums on Google searches).

Also, bloatware hasn't bothered me since around the time XP came out because now-a-days computers are more than fast enough with plenty of storage space. 3rd party solutions usually bring their own issues with them, which is tolerable when the 1st party solution is bunk (like the old Adobe issue here) or not available, but what happens when Adobe issues updates to the PDF standard and your 3rd party developer has left? I've come across that countless times since the beginning of the PC.

Figured I'd hopefully give people some good info if this thread comes up on their search.

-Big Daddy Kane
-A+ Certified

Did you happen to read post #14?

Yes, I did read it.

I was just voicing my opinion on 3rd party software, because eventually this program will not be updated anymore (or be free) and you will have to either go back to Adobe or find another 3rd party solution.

Of course, for the time being, it seems to be a better alternative, if you're into that kind of thing. I just grew out of wanting to do all the extra work to have the coolest program on the block (like Linux)... My day job occupies 90% of the time I'm awake, so the other 10% is strictly entertainment or house work. This is why I like 1st party solutions and irritates me when they don't work. I tried the Windows 7 beta when it was first public, but went back to XP since I had a long buisiness trip and didn't want to have any problems and be SOL.

No disrespect intended, but I just like to find good info and it just irritated me when I couldn't find it twice on this forum, so I had to post to [hopefully] close this Adobe issue and put in my 2¢ about what I've seen.

I mean no offense whatsoever,

However how can you make a claim that this 3rd-party software will be discontinued or not available for free any more.

If that ever develops, there is a site named which allows you to download older versions.

You can also try the Internet Archives site.........Link Removed to download an older free version.

My disappointment with Acrobat reader are it's many security flaws and of course the fact that it's bloatware.

Please do a search for Adobe in the Water cooler section and I think you'll understand what I mean.

Check these links for more information:

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And finally this where a well-respected secirity official states"I think organizations should avoid Adobe if
possible. Adobe security appears to be out of control, and using their
products seems to put your organization at risk. Try to minimize your
attack surface. Limit the use of Adobe products whenever you can.

Link Removed

Just my humble opinion.

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I am an Opera user. That is where I really want the Adobe Reader plugin to work. I just state that it doesn't work in IE8 either; for troubleshooting purposes.

Here is a picture of the page to which you have linked. Using Windows 7 RTM with IE8.

Link Removed due to 404 Error

But I have to agree with Reghakr's comments. Adobe, Reader or full, is, compared to similar products, a totally uneeded product. It surprises me that so many third party computer users still publish text documents in this format. The Reader, and full version take longer than most similar text programs to install and use. Even updates appear to be ponderous.
The security aspects listed are not of real importance (to me, anyway) but add to the problems. Flash? Many problems, and still, after so long, waiting for a decent 64Bit release!

Several modern Word processors can perform all of the functions of Adobe, or PDF files. The PDF format, imo, has slumped into natural redundancy. The majority of PDF look alike programs can open PDF files faster than the Adobe product. I suppose it can, as always, be a personal point of view, but I would certainly prefer to see the demise of the .PDF format and have documents published in .Doc or even (causing a few probs at the moment).Docx

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