
New Member
Jan 9, 2009
Apache 2.2.11
MySQL 5.1.30 (64 bit)
Java JDK 6u11 (64 bit)
Netbeans (developer nightly build 20090120401) (admin rights)
PHP 5.28
xdebug ( thread safe) 2.0.4-5.2.8

Built basic php DB connection ALL working as expected (html, php, debugging also working)

Will test further with complex php web application
and then jsp + tomcat

Suns Openoffice works nicly on windows 7 download: Downloads
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Well it was there in the firewall, but for Apache, not WAMP since WAMP wasn't installed yet. I found a WAMP download and installed it on my 64 bit machine. It worked. But when I went to edit the httpd.conf file, it was in French! So I downloaded XAMPP. It also installed fine. Now I have to figure out how to build out my dev environment to include Netbeans, PHPbb, Wordpress, etc.

I've always installed each piece independently and so knew how it all went together. I've never installed it using an installation routine like this. I also have to figure out how to configure Dreamweaver to work with it.

I'd still like to know why it didn't work when I installed the pieces independently.
Sry about the french however phpbb is easy, just drop the contents into the www folder. It will ask you to set up a database, and the parameters of it. What I have done is to keep an open ended database, I won't give it a size. In PHPBB setup, it will ask you to log in on one of the lines....this is asking for "root". Dreamweaver should work assuming your writing php. I'm assuming your going to try and integrate a static type site with a forum. Something I'd like to do if I could find the time.
OK, so I uninstalled XAMPP and went back to reinstalling Apache and PHP separately. I removed all references and environment variables I could find that referred to XAMPP. So now Apache and PHP start up fine but when I go to localhost, I now get a 403 error. Sounds like a permissions problem but I didn't change any permissions from when it would start before I installed XAMPP. Any idea where to start troubleshooting this one?
I'm going to install these 2 tomorrow and see what I get. just let me know if I'm using the same verions...apache v 2.2.11 and php 5.2.10
Yep, those are the ones. When I started in the beginning, I installed Apache and PHP and all indications were that Apache and PHP were running right. The Apache monitor also indicated that. It wasn't until I installed XAMPP, verified that all works, uninstalled XAMPP, and reinstalled Apache and PHP that I get the 403 error. The Apache console still indicates that all is running OK. Just that I get a 403 error when I try to access index.php on the localhost.
I tried installing WAMP and was successful too. But not able to cutomize according to my need. So, googled and found Followed the exact steps for installing Apache, MySQL and PHP. Worked gr8.
Thanks Dre@ms. I took a quick look at that site and it looks interesting. I'll have to delve deeper a little later today.

Kevin, no hurry. Although I want to get it straightened out, I'd rather take the time to do it right. I plug away a little each night, looking down different paths that might be cusing the problem. The good thing will be that i should understand some of the intricacies between the programs pretty good once I get it figured out!
I found the problem with the 403 error. XAMPP modified my httpd-vhosts.conf file and I missed that one. Restoring the previous fixed that. Now I'm back to the original problem where Link Removed only echoes back all my PHP commands but doesn't interpret/execute them.

Running c:\php\php-cgi index.php returns my path followed by

X-Powered By: PHP/5.2.10
Content-type: text/html
<?php phpinfo();

but never displays the associated html file. So all indications are that PHP is running, just not interpreting commands properly.
I haven't been able to install either one due to time constrants....I want to do it just because I havent done it in awhile. Seems like we're looking back at square one. This has always been my problem with open source products.......if you have any syntax out of order, you could be left scratching your head for days!
u r welcome m8..believe me, i went to tht site, followed all the steps, configured the same way and within 3 hours, was able to write my first email form coding. surprisingly first time I succeeded in PHP.
Yeah, I know. The PHP.INI file as downloaded had extension=php_exif.dll loading before extension=php_mbstring.dll because it has them all alphabetical. But I think I figured out that mbstring.dll has to load first so I had to move it's location in the PHP.INI file. Problem is - are there any other things like this that aren't obvious. And I'm not getting any errors in any logs at this point.
WAMP recommendations?

OK, since XAMPP installed and ran, I think my best alternative is to install a prepackaged WAMP server. I didn't like how XAMPP structured all the directories and where it buried everything, including the Apache install. I may try to reinstall and see if it gives me a choice of installation directory structures since I wasn't paying attention to that when I did my test install.

Any recommendations for a decent WAMP server installation package? Regardless what it is, I'll probably go in and modify the .conf and .ini files to match my typical directory structure, etc.

This may be my only way to get a working development environment back.
this is the wamp i'm using on mmy laptop. Easy install, if prompted for user name use root. Sql will ask you for predetermined tables, you can input them or once you create the database, backout of sql manager, and it will leave the database wide open with no predetetermined tables.
OK, so far so good. I installed XAMPP, redirected in httpd.conf to my preferred docs structure, upgraded PHP to 5.2.10, upgraded mySQL to 5.1.34. I'm one of those that likes to keep all my versions as up-to-date as is feasible and since this is a fresh development environment, I want to start with the latest GA releases of everything.

Before I install Wordpress, PHPbb, netbeans, etc., I want to get phpMyAdmin upgraded. Admittedly, my weakest area by far is database. So seeing that phpMyAdmin is largely PHP based, can I just copy the latest version files into the phpMyAdmin directory under XAMPP? I know this didn't work for the PHP upgrade since XAMPP doesn't install PHP cleanly to the vanilla directory structure that PHP sets up. Some of the DLLs needed to be copied to the XAMPP/Apache/bin directory as well. But I didn't find anything like that for phpMyAdmin.

Any caveats to upgrading phpMyAdmin or any of the other development tools?
When you said this is the one you use (without the link), since I had been talking about XAMPP, I assumed the "this" you referred to was XAMPP. My bad assumption.

Anyway, XAMPP has a lot of stuff in it but I just have the Apache, SQL, phpMyAdmin pieces installed and configured. Although lots of people seem to like it, I find the way it installs everything makes it more difficult to manage/upgrade overall. Maybe it's just what I'm used to.
Just for completeness though, one of the "P"s is Perl, the other is PHP. But as I'm finding, upgrading individual components isn't necessarily strightforward.
OK, I'm getting closer... I've upgraded PHP to v5.2.10 and mySQL to v5.1.34. I've set up a virtual host in the htpd-vhosts.conf file, along with defining localhost in httpd-vhosts.conf so phpMyAdmin still works properly.

So on my first development vhost, I followed to the letter the instructions on the Apache site, along with several other websites. So when I type Link Removed, I get the index listing of the page but not index.php itself.
That section of httpd-vhosts.conf looks like this and the one for localhost is last in the file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.localhost
ServerName domain.local
DocumentRoot C:/server/www/roots/domain
ErrorLog c:/server/www/roots/domain/logs/error.log
CustomLog c:/server/www/roots/domain/logs/access.log common

Where "domain" is any one of several of my domains and domain.local is defined in my hosts file. Am I missing something?
Sorry about not posting the link earlier...are you still using xampp or did you go back to wamp? Also I don't have mine set up as virtual, however I see the vhost_alias module. Did you add it as an alias like in the pic below? *Note...I'm not sure if this is the route you need to take since I'm not using the vhost. Also, a better question would be do you need to add an alis when using vhost