
New Member
Jan 9, 2009
Apache 2.2.11
MySQL 5.1.30 (64 bit)
Java JDK 6u11 (64 bit)
Netbeans (developer nightly build 20090120401) (admin rights)
PHP 5.28
xdebug ( thread safe) 2.0.4-5.2.8

Built basic php DB connection ALL working as expected (html, php, debugging also working)

Will test further with complex php web application
and then jsp + tomcat

Suns Openoffice works nicly on windows 7 download: Downloads
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I switched back to WAMP. The install is cleaner. I didn't have an alias set and so went and set it. I now see it in the WAMPServer panel on the lower right. All my aliases are listed there. I still only get the directory listing when I got to Link Removed.

I also installed Wordpress in c:/wamp/bin/wordpress so it would be with Apache, mySQL, etc. That alias also shows up there. But oddly enough, none of the aliases show up when I run the index.php that WAMP creates - the one that lists server creation, tools, projects, and aliases. Everything but the aliases show up.

So when I try Link Removed, that doesn't work either. I'm so close to having the dev environment set up - yet so far away.
Hi Kevin....

I've got it all working. Got my vhosts set up and have several development environments now set up in Dreamweaver.

Thanks for your help.

For some reason, I can't get Apache and PHP to work together in Win 7 RC1 x64, but I can get Apache by itself to work fine.

I've tried Threaded and non-Threaded PHP 5.3.0.

Has anyone tried to get this working in Windows 7 RC1 or even RTM for that matter?

This is what I get in error.log:
[Mon Aug 24 23:36:03 2009] [crit] (OS 1813)The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.  : master_main: create child process failed. Exiting.
[Mon Aug 24 23:36:03 2009] [notice] Child 1180: All worker threads have exited.
[Mon Aug 24 23:36:03 2009] [notice] Child 1180: Child process is exiting
[Mon Aug 24 23:36:33 2009] [notice] Parent: Forcing termination of child process 36 
[Mon Aug 24 23:39:31 2009] [warn] pid file C:/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Mon Aug 24 23:42:04 2009] [warn] pid file C:/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Tue Aug 25 01:20:17 2009] [warn] pid file C:/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Tue Aug 25 02:02:47 2009] [warn] pid file C:/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
i installed xampp with "run as administrator" but i have 1 problem.
i include some php files, they include without errors, but seems like they are included like empty.
so i get Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_con() error.
im new to windows 7 and vista.
what im doing wrong?
ty for your help
hi once again, i could not find edit button, so sorry for double post.
i mentioned, that my xampp cant include files, while NuSphere PhpED include files without problem.
maybe this fact will help you to help me
once again thank you.

p.s. now i see edit button, must be i was logout.

p.s.s. i found problem problem was short_open_tag, which was off
ty one more time.
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Dear bfj,

OK, how did you do it? I have gone to a half-dozen places where guys have tutorials for WAMP. One looks great, even screen shots how to fill out the various forms that come up. So I printed it all out, went through the first part (Install Apache 2.2.14).

Then it said browse to Link Removed and it will say "It's Working!"

I went there and it said "System Error 500.19 (as I remember)"

So I tried going to (some other site said that was the same as localhost). It gave me the IIS 7.5 Splash Page.

So I went to Windows Features in Control Panel and un-checked IIS, then re-booted. You guessed it, same result.

If you can give me (and, I'm guessing, hundreds of other guys) a procedure, with screen shots showing us exactly what to fill in on forms (use Win 7 Snipping Tool...) to get WAMP-7 working for web development, we will pay you cash money.

Same here

I have the exact same problem but im running Vista 64
my log looks about the same
Someone plz help
I realize this thread is probably inactive... but if someone comes along and needs this solution:

select the
VC6 x86 Thread Safe (2011-Mar-22 13:29:30) - Link Removed [20.41MB] option

from the PHP For Windows: Binaries and sources Releases page.

Run through it, point it to your root directory; (mine is C:\server\www\localhost\public_html)
enable all options, then let it install. Then point your browser to localhost and TADA! just like magic. Way easier then manual install!