Windows 7 ATI OpenGL [Win7 x64]


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
OpenGL Flickering [Win7 x64]

Hi everyone.
I'm having trouble getting OpenGL running properly in build 7000 64bit with my ATI Radeon X1950Pro 512MB AGP.

I'm trying to run Counterstrike 1,6 but have incountered alot of different problems.

Depending on the driver being used the game either:
Shows background then exits (no warning or errors)
Keep showing background but no menus (though i can hear when i move the mouse over menu options)
Flickers in menus and some of the in-game graphics but not background
Flickers on the entire screen and runs at ~15 fps

This is all in OpenGL mode. D3D mode works sort of ok, but with framedrops (not Win7's fault, flawed Halflife engine)

The drivers tried:

and atioglxx.dll's from other non 64bit vista drivers

Intel Core2Duo E6320@2Ghz
Asrock 4CoreDual-VSTA
2x1GB Corsair XMS2
Sapphire Radeon X1950Pro 512MB AGP
Windows 7 Beta 1, build 7000 64bit

Any help would be appreciated
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Ok finally got CS working with OpenGL. Heres what I did with my graphics adapter (hopefully something similar will help others). Apparently (at least with Intel) the new win7 drivers did not include OpenGL in them. All I had to do was download the latest driver package from Intels website and install it in compatability mode for windows Vista. Now playing CS :].

.. took quite a few tries. make sure the computer doesnt try to revert back to a different driver. also, when I finally did get the vista driver installed correctly, It had to restart like 3 times.
Try to install ati 9.2 or 9.3, are the last drivers that works fine and are compatible with windows 7. Mod them with mobility modder (Mobility Modder.NET try google) and install. Works just great.
Use a program to remove completely ATI drivers and do a fresh install. (i`ve used Drive Cleaner Pro)
The above versions till 9.8 are useless.
The screen is not flickering anymore, you can see the menu and is not closing by himself after run it

It will work try it