Bhanu Prakash

New Member
Jun 5, 2011
It says
Backup encountered a problem while backing up file D:\Pictures. Error: (The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002))
Backup encountered a problem while backing up file D:\Pictures\Nani's home. Error: (The system cannot find the path specified. (0x80070003))
Backup encountered a problem while backing up file D:\Pictures\Purna. Error: (The system cannot find the path specified. (0x80070003))

Here's the video

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Without sound, the video is a little hard to follow. But I did not see the Pictures directory on D: in the video.

You may be able to remove that portion of the backup by deselecting those files, since they do not appear to be present.

I made ​​a new folder and then type it in the picture, then I 've Backup....its good working ..
But can not be made without picture folder?
thanks..sorry for english

You seem to have altered your system quite a bit. Not sure if you are running SSDs and trying to save space or what.

But it sounds like a backup was done previously that had those files included, but they were moved/deleted later. The file backups augment a previous backup so it probably looks for previous files. I normally only run image backups, so I am not familiar with the settings for the other type of backups.
