
New Member
Jun 21, 2015
Hi getting blue screens since a few days when I move around larger files from different hard drives (non-SSD) to others in order to format my truecrypt encrypted drives to remove the encryption (want to switch to modern tool, which is still developed and gets bug fixes). Attached you the files mentioned in the "How to ask for help with a BSOD problem" thread. Does this help you to find the root cause?

Gotta mention, that about a week ago I updated the firmware of my Samsung 840 EVO SSD, BUT it was neither the source nor the target of my data moving. Nevertheless yesterday the SSD after the BSOD suddently wasn't detected when I rebooted. But disconnecting and reconnecting the power cord helped me finding it and rebooting again. Today another BSOD, but fortunately there was no SSD detection issue this time.
I really doubt, the BSOD is connected to the new SSD firmware, since the first few days there was no trouble at all. CrystalDiskInfo says also, the SSD is at 100% health. The other hard drives are in a healthy ("good") state as well.

Maybe the decryption process from encrypted hard drives to unencrypted ones puts too much strain on my 4 processor cores and those cores don't get enough voltage (turbo overclocked to 4.6 GHz). Or is the RAM settings the issue. But why now after about 3 years of error free usage?

I personally think it could either be the latest Windows Updates I installed (about 3 days ago) (80% likelihood for me) or the SSD firmware update after all (30% likelihood).

Please let me know, if you need additional stuff (and how I can provide it) to make a proper assessment of the root cause here.

Thanks in advance for your support,



*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 124, {0, fffffa801429d028, be200000, 5110a}

***** Debugger could not find nt in module list, module list might be corrupt, error 0x80070057.

Probably caused by : Unknown_Image

Followup: MachineOwner
Bugcheck 124 means a fatal hardware error occurred specifically a...
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 124, {0, fffffa801429d028, be200000, 5110a}

***** Debugger could not find nt in module list, module list might be corrupt, error 0x80070057.

Probably caused by : Unknown_Image

Followup: MachineOwner
Bugcheck 124 means a fatal hardware error occurred specifically a 'Machine check exception':
Normal causes for MCE errors include overheating and/or incorrect hardware installation. Specific manually-induced causes include:

  • overclocking (which normally increases heat-output)
  • poorly-fitted heatsink/computer fans (the same problem can happen with excessive dust in the CPU fan)
  • an overloaded internal or external power-supply (fixable by upgrading)
Computer software can also cause MCE errors (normally by corrupting data which programs read or write). For example, software performing read or write operations from or to non-existent memory regions can lead to confusion for the processor and/or the system bus.[citation needed] Accessing memory marked off-limits by UEFI may cause MCE errors.[3]

First thing I'd try is reducing or stopping the overclock and see if the bsod stops.

Check for dust build up inside the machine which could cause overheating (something tells me you probably delint regularly anyway).

How are your temperatures?

As the dump file isn't very specific to the actual cause you'll just have to go by process of elimination. First try reducing the overclock and so on. Your update of 3days ago could well have something to do with the error but first start with the obvious.. The overclock.
