
New Member
Oct 17, 2014
i recently upgraded my RAM and got a bunch of BSOD. My first guess was that it would be the new RAM so i tested it with memtest and memtest86. memtest ran to about 120% Coverage and didn't find any errors. As for memtest86 i ran 4 passes for each RAM stick which was about 2 hours each, again there were no errors to be found. After that i reinstalled Windows 8.1 Pro N in hope that it would solve the problem which it didn't. I did save the minidumps before reinstall windows, i have them in the folder "Older Minidumps" if that info is neccessary.

One thing that bugs me is that the Core Voltage in CPU-Z seems to be displayed incorrectly sometimes, at some point it show arround 1.2 V which should be correct. In the screenshot it is too low to the correct value and the value jumps around alot too.

I hope that all the neccessary info you need



If you got a bsod that fast in using them then I'd return them. There is little point viewing the dump file as we know the culprit already. Are the sticks still within a warranty period?
I deinstalled Avast AV and TuneUp, I assume you mean Windows Defender?

As for the Realtek Audio driver I don't quite get what you mean but just in case I deinstalled it too and got the newest version (R.275) from the Realtek site. I think I already got this one before but then in the MSI updater tool it suggested a newer/different version and I got that.

Thanks for the help

edit: Got one again (with new RAM)

edit2: So after I got one again immediately after I started my PC, I switched back to my old RAMs. I guess it's the new RAM after all. Yesterday when I switched back to the old ones for a couple of hours I didn't get a BSOD.

edit3: Just to be sure that I didn't bought the wrong RAM for my board.

This is the RAM I bought: Link Removed
To be precise it's this one I bought, but I think they are the same: Link Removed

And this is the Board: Link Removed


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*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 10E, {1f, ffffc001a21f32c0, 0, 2fe88}

Probably caused by : dxgmms1.sys ( dxgmms1!VIDMM_GLOBAL::PrepareDmaBuffer+190f6 )

Followup: MachineOwner
the above is for vram so just check your gpu please using this app:
Link Removed

I didn't see your new RAM in the list did you?

Isn't it this one? Crucial BLS4G3D1609DS1S00.16FMD DDR3 1600 N/A 1.5V DS 4GB 4

Looks like it but really the point is moot if the new sticks are blue screening.

I've use the program, here are the results:
Changing video mode to 640x480x16...OK
[27.10.2014 10:21:49] Test started for "Primärer Anzeigetreiber (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770)"...
Trying 16bpp RGB:565 mode...OK
Trying 16bpp RGB:555 mode...OK
Trying 16bpp BGR:565 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
Trying 32bpp RGB:888 mode...OK
Trying 32bpp BGR:888 mode...NOT SUPPORTED (Code: 80004001)
[27.10.2014 10:31:50] Pass completed (0 errors found).

I've just checked the memory support list, my old RAMs are not listed but they are working fine. And I haven't gotten a BSOD yet with them

Hmm... odd, but anything is possible with these crazy machines at times I guess... The new RAM which keeps blue screening have you tried using them with with a touch more voltage?

If you got a bsod that fast in using them then I'd return them. There is little point viewing the dump file as we know the culprit already. Are the sticks still within a warranty period?

Hopefully you'll be able to swop them with no issues then.. :)

Your very welcome and please don't hesitate to post back if need be... Best of luck with the sticks.. :)
