Hello again,
Please help me to solve my BSOD.
I have it for a few months. I upgraded from Win XP to Win7, changed the antivirus/firewall system to Comodo, updated drivers and did other things. After changing 1 module of RAM 512 MB, some crashes disappeared, only bsod at boot time remained. I deleted existing settings at Driver Verifier, and after that (I suppose that was the reason) the crashes disappeared. Now I don't have BSOD for 2/3 weeks.
But now BSOD came again in the last 3 days. The bluescreen view showed that most of the time ntoskrnl.exe is the problem.
It would be good to know, that is it a driver failure (if so, which one), or BIOS update (but I couldn't find a proper new one) or a Win7 reinstall?
Thank you very much