Windows 7 BSOD during Windows 7 installation on a custom machine

Joseph Meiring

New Member
May 13, 2011
Hi, this is my first post on a technical forum, so forgive me for any ignorance that I'm sure I have regarding this. I've recently began building my first custom-built computer, I began with an old Compaq Presario that a friend gave me, and I've pretty much gutted it and replaced all its components. The components I've replaced have included the motherboard, processor, hard drive, RAM and PSU (I'll include the specefics of my set-up below). I've been trying to install Windows 7 but have been getting the blue screen (BSOD) before the installation could complete. The BSOD said "PFN_LIST_CORRUPT" towards the top of the screen. I'm fairly sure that I've installed all the new hardware correctly, but I figured I would try posting a thread here if anyone could offer any suggestions. Your help would be much appreciated! This thing doesn't seem to want to let me separate paragraphs..... The following is the new hardware I've installed: Processor - AMD Phenom II (3.2 GHz), Motherboard - Ultra Durable 3 (GA-880GM-UD2H), Hard Drive - Hitachi Deckstar 7K1000.C (1TB SATA), RAM - Corsair 2 Gigs (2 sticks, 4 Gig total), PSU - Logisys PS550ABK (550 Watts).

memtest86 can be run from usb

cpuz and pasmark rammon require windows ,

have u tried installing the OS with one ram stick in?? use the slot nearest to the cpu.... if u can get the os instlled then at least we are over the first obsticle

id try this first and see how the installation goes
From the quick search I did, it seems it is memory related, or some device driver is messing with the memory.

You might shutdown the system and unplug it. Unplugging is always good, because many new motherboard keep parts of the board hot. Make sure you have grounded yourself, and possibly change the memory to the other slots while makeing sure it is seated all the way and locked in.

While the system is open, double check all your connections and make sure no wires are laying across something that needs to move.

Now, disconnect or remove everything you can to see if you can get it to boot, even to just the Install DVD, and then continue the install. Win 7, expecially the x64 version is very picky about device drivers. But normally all it will do is refuse to finish installing.

*And as far as separating paragraphs, I have run into that were you can't even see the cursor or control the text position..some type of glitch on the board.

Hello and Welcome,

1. Attach the crash dumps from C:\Windows\Minidump.

2. Passmark Rammon

3. Screenshots of CPU-Z under memory and cpu tabs

Thank you for the replies guys,

Cybercore, I'm not quite sure what "passmark" or "CPU-Z" is. Note that my drive does not as of yet have any OS on it, so I'm doing a fresh install of Win7.

Saltgrass, I was reading about the PFN errors and saw what you mentioned about it being a memory issue. I remembered that when I installed the RAM sticks, there were 4 slots with 2 different colors, and I had installed each stick into a different color. I moved one over so that they were both in the same color... I figured it was worth a try. It actually seemed to help, I got ~50% of the way through expanding the Windows folders, but then had yet another BSOD...

It seems I may have fixed a problem only to reveal another. The new BSOD said "Ntfs.sys", followed by "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA." I should note that this error came after I had used Check Disck and repaired a Boot Manager driver. I ran the "repair my computer" again and it said there was no known solution for this problem (the page fault problem), it just suggested sending in the details and and to give Microsoft Tech Support a call.

I'm including an image of the tech info given at the bottom of the BSOD. I would prefer to be able to fix this myself without calling Microsoft, but I am a beginner at this, and I'm not sure how big of a problem this may or may not be.

Link Removed

hi and welcome w

cpu z is a really good program to identitfy specific things, such as ram timings etc etc and many more usefull information...this is for use within windows

passmark rammon is is kind of the same with ram timings and ram settings in a nut shell and other ram information

if u get windows installed andu still get the blue screens then the mindumps can be debugged like cybercore mentioned above

myself or cybercore will debug them and getmore information from them....although cybercore is really quick n seems to beat me to it lol... dam u cybercore hahaha

hope the information i mentioned helps u have more of an idea of the programs

Cybercore is the expert on this kind of stuff, but from the owner's manual, for dual channel it looks like the DIMMs are supposed to be in the same colored slots. I just wanted you to swap them or try one at a time.

The CPU-Z being mentioned is a utility you download and run. It will give you numbers for your system. If you want, check some of the other threads and look for the attachments. What Corsair memory is it exactly?

If you have already been messing with something about the Bootmgr, you may want to reformat the drive and begin from scratch. You can do that, if you get that far, from the initial install screens under Disk options or something like that.

Since I don't have an OS installed on this system yet though, how can I download and run CPU-Z or Passmark Rammon? I have a laptop, which I'm using now, a MacBook Pro. Is there a way I can download the programs using this computer, move them to an external hard drive, and run them from there on the custom machine...? I don't know, just spit-balling..

My RAM is Corsair XMS3, 1333 MHz.

I'll go ahead and try installing with just one of the RAM sticks (alternating sticks if the 1st attempt fails).

memtest86 can be run from usb

cpuz and pasmark rammon require windows ,

have u tried installing the OS with one ram stick in?? use the slot nearest to the cpu.... if u can get the os instlled then at least we are over the first obsticle

id try this first and see how the installation goes

Success! The installation went well using one RAM stick. So then my other RAM stick has a corrupted file on it? And I could potentially fix this using CPU-Z and/or Passmark Rammon? Did this file become corrupt after something I did wrong (like having it in the wrong slot initially)? I'm thinking if it came to me that way, maybe I could just get it replaced where I bought it...

I'm just glad to have completed the install, thanks for the help! :D

ok try re seating the ram, going from the nearest to the cpu first, then working back ( depends how many sticks you have) let the pc run, user the pc as you would normally and see how it runs, if you get a Blue screen then this will create a file called a crash dump, these are normally located c:/windows/minidumps.

cpu z and passmark only display information about your pc... a bit like a tv guide showing whats on the tv i suppose

if any alterations need to be made then we can tell you how

If u want to test your ram....

The ram can be tested with the memtest86+ progam, put this ona usb stick, boot up from the usb stick, ( might hve to change the boot order in the bios, but its not hard so if you get stuck we can help ) let the program run on its own, no need to change any settings, let this run for 7 passes, ( the pass count is the one in the middle of the screen that you will see ) it took me about 3-4 hours, for 7 passses but the time can vary depening on the pc.
1 stick at a time in the 1st slot then once 7 passses have gone put the SAME stick in the 2nd slot,
2nd stick in the first slot, 7 passes later, same in the 2nd slot,.

you will see any errors appear in the middle , and plus it says error count 0 to possible 1, 2, 3, and so on,,,,

upload any crash dumps on here and i will get you more information on what caused this, we will sort it ...


good luck and i hope your pc runs ok

Success! The installation went well using one RAM stick. So then my other RAM stick has a corrupted file on it? And I could potentially fix this using CPU-Z and/or Passmark Rammon? Did this file become corrupt after something I did wrong (like having it in the wrong slot initially)? I'm thinking if it came to me that way, maybe I could just get it replaced where I bought it...

I'm just glad to have completed the install, thanks for the help! :D

The stick could be mismatching, defective, sitting in a bad slot, or the entire RAM improperly configured in the bios. This is why I asked to give me crash dumps, cpuz and rammon information so I could have a more clear picture rather than just guessing what it could be.


If you get any more blue screens, attach:

1. crash dumps
2. cpu-z MEMORY tab
3. Passmark RAMMon HTML

This is why I asked to give me crash dumps
:O cybercore.....or he can give them me haha or for both of us :D

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haha ok
its a deal

although u always beat me too it lol plus it seems the main people now that upload the information about the dumps are me n u ..... We are BSOD Squad rofl

although u always beat me too it

I do? Always? You mean always since May 9 2011? Nah, I don't beat others, not interested, I just take a look and after giving it some deep thought hopefully come up with an idea.

Cheers. :)

i only ment it in a joke way, as long as the help is being provided to people i think its cool

plus it makes it look good for the website, quick n efficent members :D lol

i only ment it in a joke way, as long as the help is being provided to people i think its cool

plus it makes it look good for the website, quick n efficent members

Sure, that's what I took it. I only meant I don't really beat people online. :)
