Windows 7 bsod help please 0*0000010D

Hi snapyBeast,
whenever a computer blue screens it will create a report called a dump file but only if configured to do so. If you have any dump files they'll be found in a folder marked 'Minidump'. This can be found in the main Windows folder.
If you can't find a minidump folder then chances are you need to set your machine up to produce them:
Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button
Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked
Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown box
Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be
found later.
Hi snapyBeast,
whenever a computer blue screens it will create a report called a dump file but only if configured to do so. If you have any dump files they'll be found in a folder marked 'Minidump'. This can be found in the main Windows folder.
If you can't find a minidump folder then chances are you need to set your machine up to produce them:
Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter
Click on the Advanced tab
Click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button
Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked
Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown box
Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be
found later.
Click and apply to exit the dialogs.
Once set up you'll then need to wait for another bsod event before a dump file is created.

When you have some dump files read the thread found here:
Link Removed

This will help you to post the information we need..

I think I found my problem. The next problem is that I have fifa 15 cracked and I´ve played quite some times but after the bluecreens stopped happening i couldn´t play it anymore could you help me? I´m desperate.

Sorry Snapy it's against forum rules to discuss pirate material period. I'm glad to hear you got your issue sorted out and if there is anything else I could help you with then please don't hesitate to ask.

There is one more thing . When I´m on my rowser ads are constantly being added to my Chrome extensions. Eve though i delete them the keep being added can u help?

There are various apps out there that do the same thing have you tried doing a search via Bing or Google?
